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gender equality

August 23, 2017Knowledge Portal
Integrating behavioural change to accelerate women’s economic empowerment

This blog elaborates on the how behavioral change within the household can accelerate women’s empowerment. Whereas increasing access to inputs, finance, markets and knowledge for female farmers makes sense in areas where access is lacking, it is also important to examine factors that could influence whether female farmers will actually make use of this access and benefit from it. »

July 20, 2017Knowledge Portal
Challenges and opportunities for women’s economic empowerment in agriculture

This blog elaborates on the challenges and opportunities for women’s economic empowerment in agriculture. It states that over the past several years, there has been increasing evidence regarding the importance of women’s economic participation, both for the advancement of women’s rights and gender equality, as well as for the economic well-being of families, communities, sectors and nations.  »

July 19, 2017Knowledge Portal
Capitalising on the potential of women in livestock development

This article emphasizes the importance and benefits of the inclusion of women in livestock development. The author argues that the frequent exclusion of women from livestock ownership, resources and decision-making is a major factor in hindering households from escaping poverty. »

March 1, 2017Knowledge Portal
Synthesis report – gender & collectively held land

This report by Landesa gives recommendations on interventions to strengthen collective tenure and ensure that both women and men benefit from the improved land tenure security. The report synthesizes findings from six case studies from China, Ghana, India, the Kyrgyz Republic, Namibia, and Peru. This intersection between gender and collective tenure security reforms is largely understudied. »

February 22, 2017Knowledge Portal
Increasing youth participation in livestock production in Kenya

This policy briefing by IDS focuses on the increasing of youth participation in livestock production in Kenya. Agriculture is a primary source of employment in Kenya. Most employment takes the form of smallholder crop and livestock farming, either as a main or supplementary livelihood activity. In recent years, youth have been found to prefer employment in non-farm livelihood activities to farming. »

January 23, 2017Knowledge Portal
Agrarian transformation(s) in Africa: What’s in it for women in rural Africa?

This article published in Development argues that while Africa is undergoing agrarian transformation(s) women are not benefiting equally compared to men. Rural African women in particular are posited as the main beneficiaries of these transformation, but the picture emerging is that of the privatization of the commons, privileging international, and to some extent local, private commercial agri-business interests over those of smallholder farmers, mostly women. The authors argue that these developments are promoting the rapid destruction of ecosystems and the increase in conflicts and displacements affecting the rural poor. »