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food and nutrition policies

June 14, 2017Knowledge Portal
Agriculture, food systems, diets and nutrition in Zambia

This discussion paper describes the potential of agriculture and food systems in Zambia to contribute to improving food and nutrition security. National nutrition and agricultural policy in Zambia recognizes the need to increase and diversify the production of nutritious foods to tackle hunger and improve diets. »

June 12, 2017Knowledge Portal
What drives diversification of national food supplies?

This article sets out to systematically explore what drives the diversification of food supplies (DFS) across countries and regions, and over the course of economic development. A cross-country dataset was constructed and analyzed linking a simple DFS indicator, the share of calories supplied by nonstaple foods, with structural transformation and agroecological indicators. »

June 7, 2017Knowledge Portal
Stories of change in nutrition

This special issue analyzes drivers of change in six high-burden countries (Bangladesh, India, Ethiopia, Nepal, Senegal, and Zambia) which had some success in accelerating improvements in nutrition. »

June 7, 2017Knowledge Portal
Strengthening sector policies for better food security and nutrition results: Gender equality

This policy guidance note seeks to facilitate policy dialogue on how to synchronize gender equality policy objectives and food security and nutrition ones. The aim is to enhance coordination between the two policy domains, and ultimately enable women on an equal basis with men to realize their potentials as key partners in improving food security and nutrition. »

June 6, 2017Knowledge Portal
From coherence towards commitment: Changes and challenges in Zambia’s nutrition policy environment

This article investigates changes in nutrition policy and action over time in Zambia. An enabling environment for malnutrition reduction includes creating policy and political momentum, and converting momentum to implementation and impact. Another article of this edition describes more positive experiences in setting-up national nutrition policy and programs in Senegal. »

May 18, 2017Knowledge Portal
Agriculture and rural development in a globalizing world: Challenges and opportunities

This book addresses the challenges of reorienting agriculture and rural development in an environment of rapid structural transformation, globalization and urbanization. It provides a comprehensive review and assessment of the multi-faceted nature of agriculture and rural development, particularly in the developing world. »