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January 23, 2017Knowledge activity
Full report “IFC and Agribusiness in a Changing Environment”

The full report of the one-day event “IFC and Agribusiness in a Chaning Environmet” has been published. The event in The Hague was organized on October 28, 2016, by RVO and IUCN NL – together with IFC – in the framework of the World Bank Group-Netherlands strategic partnership ‘Food for All’. »

December 1, 2016Knowledge Portal
IFC and agribusiness in a changing environment

RVO and IUCN NL organized together with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) on 28 October a one-day event in The Hague in the framework of the World Bank Group-Netherlands strategic partnership ‘Food for All’. The event convened more than 80 professionals in the private sector, knowledge institutions, NGOs and policy makers engaged in agribusiness in developing countries. »

November 29, 2016Knowledge Portal
Changing agro-food systems: The impact of big agro-investors on food rights

This book presents case studies on changing agro-food systems in Southern Africa within the context of large-scale land-based and agri-business investments. By capturing the testimonies of local people in rural settings, with a particular focus on small-scale farmers, it aims to provide vivid accounts of the micro-level changes underway in agro-food systems in Southern Africa, and to reflect the experiences and perspectives of local people. »

November 15, 2016Knowledge Portal
Investing in women along agribusiness value chains

This report calls on the private sector to invest in closing gaps between men and women in agribusiness as it sees potential benefits from closing gender gaps for companies. For each stage in the value chain, the report helps companies identify potential benefits from closing gender gaps. The authors accomplished this by reviewing women’s contributions and constraints within each stage, outlining solutions for the private sector, demonstrating the business rationale for making gender-smart investments, and presenting best-practice case studies. »

October 3, 2016Knowledge Portal
Public-private partnerships for agribusiness development – A review of international experiences

This publication aims to improve understanding of the potential benefits and challenges of agri-Public-Private Partnerships (PPP). It provides an analysis of 70 PPP cases gathered from 15 developing countries, together with evidence from FAO’s support to the review of PPP policies for agriculture in Southeast Asia and Central America. Agri-PPPs are expected to contribute to the pursuit of sustainable agricultural development that is inclusive of smallholder farmers. »

September 22, 2016Knowledge Portal
Agrifood youth employment and engagement study

This report by the Michigan State University examines the potential of Sub-Saharan Africa’s agrifood systems to provide new jobs for unemployed, underemployed and disadvantaged youth, and identifies constraints affecting the capacity of youth to take up these economic opportunities. According to the report, Sub-Saharan Africa’s agricultural sector is rapidly changing and can be a key driver of youth employment and economic transformation. »