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adaptation to climate change

July 28, 2016
Proceedings GACSA Annual Forum

During the GACSA Annual Forum, the Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) community came together for 4 days under the theme CSA in Action. Governments, farmers, businesses, research organizations, non-governmental organizations, civil society, and academia from various corners of the globe, came to Rome from 14-17 June with a common purpose; how to accelerate action on the three pillars of CSA (productivity, adaptation and mitigation). »

July 5, 2016Knowledge Portal
Agriculture and adaptation to climate change: The role of insurance in risk management – the case of Colombia

This paper by the Inter-American Development Bank, analyzes in detail the market constraints on the development of the agricultural insurance market in Colombia and provides recommendations so that it can fulfill its potential as a risk management tool in the country. Insurance can potentially play an important role in climate change adaptation for rural households in developing countries as part of the overall climate change adaptation strategy. However, agricultural insurance markets have many market failures that inhibit their full development. »

June 14, 2016Knowledge Portal
Understanding farmers’ indicators in climate-smart agriculture prioritization in the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT).

This book presents a study that identifies indicators that farmers use to prioritize agricultural innovations, in general and climate-smart agriculture (CSA) in particular. The study was held in Kilolo and Mbarali Districts in the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania. Using a participatory approach, the study finds that yield, income, cost, labour, availability of inputs and equipment, time, and knowledge are important indicators for farmers to prioritize agricultural practices that they implement. »

April 28, 2016Knowledge Portal
Gender, agriculture and water insecurity

This report links gender to agriculture and water insecurity. It explains how and why improved water management on the farm matters for women and girls, and what can be done to better support opportunities for them, as well as for men and boys, in the face of climate change. Rural female farmers are becoming increasingly vulnerable to climate variability and water insecurity. Thus, policy and programme implementation for water insecurity must consider social norms around gender and other drivers of inequality. »

April 13, 2016Knowledge Portal
Timescales of transformational climate change adaptation in sub-Saharan African agriculture

In this article the authors develop a temporal uncertainty framework, in which different phases and timeframes needed to ensure a transformation in sub-Saharan agriculture to adapt to climate change are presented. Climate change is projected to constitute a significant threat to food security if no adaptation actions are taken. Therefore, transformation of agricultural systems is necessary in some cases. »

March 8, 2016Knowledge Portal
Adaptation measures in agricultural systems

This working paper (PDF) from CGIAR synthesizes the most up-to-date knowledge on actions and institutions that bolster smallholder farmers’ climate resilience, drawing upon research from agricultural systems across CGIAR’s diverse portfolio. The adaptation measures are identified as taking place above the level of farmers’ practices on the field. »