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adaptation to climate change

December 3, 2016Knowledge Portal
Processes of adaptation in farm decision-making models. A review

This article in the Agronomy for Sustainable Development Journal, reviews processes of adaptation in farm decision-making models. The authors review bio-economic and bio-decision models, in which strategic and tactical decisions are included in dynamic adaptive and expectation-based processes, in 40 literature articles. »

November 30, 2016Knowledge Portal
Private sector investment in a changing climate: Resilient rice value chain development in Uganda

This research from the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) focused on private sector investment in a changing climate and aimed to explore how domestic private sector investments can support climate risk management along agricultural value chains. Two briefing notes and a video share the insights from case study research that was conducted in collaboration with a domestic seed company, Equator Seeds Ltd in Northern Uganda, and the Centenary Bank Ltd., a commercial bank in Eastern Uganda. »

November 28, 2016Knowledge Portal
Mapping climate change adaptive capacity and vulnerability of smallholder agricultural livelihoods in Central America: ranking and descriptive approaches to support adaptation strategies

This article published by the Climate Change Journal addresses the potential impact of climate change on suitability for major crops and adaptive capacity using indicators of basic human needs, as well as resources for innovation and action framed in a livelihoods approach. The article add to the mounting evidence that rising temperatures and longer, more intense dry seasons could redraw the agricultural map of Central America. »

October 17, 2016Knowledge Portal
The state of food and agriculture: Climate change, agriculture and food security

This annual publication elaborates on the relations between climate change, agriculture and food security and argues that without adaptation to climate change it will not be possible to achieve food security for all and eradicated hunger, malnutrition and poverty. In the publication it is emphasized that smallholders’ adaptation to climate change is critical; integrated policies are needed; and that there is a need for more meaningful climate finance to facilitate the transition to sustainable agricultural practices. »

October 17, 2016Knowledge Portal
Climate analogues suggests limited potential for intensification of production on current croplands under climate change

This article provides a complementary method of assessing the effect of climate change on crop yields. By combining observations of current maximum-attainable yield with climate analogues, strong reductions in attainable yields of major cereal crops are found across a large fraction of current cropland by 2050. »

August 26, 2016Knowledge Portal
A preventable crisis: El Nino and La Nina events need earlier responses and a renewed focus on prevention

This report addresses various recommendations to deal with the current El Nino and the forecast of La Nina. According to Oxfam, El Nino was a broadly preventable crisis and the severity of El Nino’s impacts is a reflection of the world’s failure to provide comprehensive and long-term strategies to anticipate, prepare and adapt. To end this cycle of failure, there is an urgent need for humanitarian action where the situation is already dire, to prepare for La Niña later this year, to commit to comprehensive new measures to build communities’ resilience, and to mobilize global action to address climate change. »