Vito Cistulli

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Company / Organization / University


Role / Title

Senior policy officer

Bio / Specialization

Vito Cistulli is a senior policy officer at FAO since 2000. He is currently leading the social protection policy work and the unit for territorial approach to food security policies.

His current responsibilities are rural development and environmental policy analysis; formulation, management, monitoring and evaluation of programmes; development of country strategies and investment plans. He has provided policy supports and advices to governments of more than 50 countries around the world.

Vito previously worked as freelance and staff with economic research institutes and international organisations including the EU, the World Bank, the Indian Ocean Commission, and UNEP/MAP.

Vito lectures at universities on food security and development related issues. He has published a number of technical papers on agricultural and rural development policies and written a book on Environmental Economics. He holds a degree in development economics and economics of European integration at London School of Economics.


Territorial Approach: A paradigm shift in policy making to fight hunger, poverty and inequality

Income inequality is among the world’s most pressing issues, as highlighted in the recent Report of the United Nations Secretary-General on the Post-2015 Agenda. In developing countries, income inequality is synonymous with spatial disparity, which in most cases coincides with rural-urban disparities. Most food insecure, poor and vulnerable people live in rural areas. The failure »