Stijn van Gils

Profile picture of Stijn

Company / Organization / University

Wageningen UR, NIOO-KNAW, Kennislink

Role / Title

PhD Candidate, Freelance author

Bio / Specialization

Nature is essential for human well-being and can be looked at from many different angles. Stijn van Gils (1987) enjoys writing about complex environmental issues and uses the approaches of various researchers. He mainly focuses on agriculture, nature and ecology.
As a doctoral student at Wageningen, he studies how natural processes, like pollination and mineralization of the soil, can together influence the productivity in agriculture. In his free time he works a freelance author for amongst others Kennislink.


Potato takes precedence over combating subsidence – Land users in no hurry to implement measures against subsidence

Fourth article in the IYS 2015 series. Many of the world’s deltas and coastal regions are slowly subsiding, often through water abstraction. Rehydrating the land can combat subsidence. But only if governments and farmers are prepared to act. »