Wageningen University, Aquaculture and Fisheries Group (AFI)
dr. ir.
Roel Bosma is mainly interested in the development of sustainable production systems that are adapted to the local socio-economic context of tropical regions. His PhD research with fieldwork in Vietnam gives a good indication of his passion: Understanding Farmers’ Motivations to integrate Livestock, Fish and Crop Production through Analysis of Household Decision-making and Fuzzy Logic Modelling.
Since January 2003 Roel writes and manages collaborative research and human resource development projects, simultaneously supervising MSc and PhD students for the Aquaculture and Fisheries of Wageningen University. He has a broad experience in research for development and project impact assessments. In the past he carried out projects in among others Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali, Philippines and Thailand. At present he is leads or is involved in projects done in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam. Most of his research focus on sustainable resource management around the shrimp ponds in the coastal zones and the pangasius culture. At present he manages four programs with around 6 PhDs, funded by Wageningen University, Dutch Government, and private companies.