GCP-2IP Follow the Food

Profile picture of GCP-2IP

Company / Organization / University

Main consortium partner: Utrecht University - Department of Earth Sciences

Role / Title

Project research team

Bio / Specialization

Global Challenges Programme (GCP) Call 2 Integrated Projects

Visit the project page for more information.



GCP-2 facstheet midterm findings: Follow the Food

Please download the factsheet with midterm findings of this GCP-2 Integrated Project. »

Inclusive agribusiness and food security. Suggestions to increase the positive impact of your business

This summary, based on two master theses research in the context of the GCP project “Follow the Food”, provides insight in how FDIs in Sub Saharan Africa can foster inclusive and sustainable local development and as such contribute to food security for smallholder farmers. »

Follow the Food workshop at African Landscape Dialogue on Businesses in the Landscape

From March 6 to 9, 2017, the GCP-2 Follow the Food team participated in the “African Landscape Dialogue”, in Addis Ababa. This conference brought together more than 140 leaders working across Africa and around to exchange, discuss and finally improve the practice of integrated landscape management. »

Follow the Food participation in the African Landscape Dialogue

On March 7, 2017, the GCP-2 project Follow the Food presented a research poster at the “African Landscape Dialogue” conference in Addis Ababa. About 140 policy makers, development workers and companies discussed and learned from different landscape initiatives across the African continent. »