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July 27, 2020Knowledge Portal
Youth employment challenge and rural transformation in Africa

This study investigated youth employment challenge and rural transformation in Sub-Saharan Africa for 54 independent African countries from 2010 to 2017. The new interest in young people as economic agents within Africa’s agrifood systems is to be welcomed. Empowering the youth is developing Africa through rural transformation. This may come quickly if youth employment becomes the litmus test of Africa’s development policies.  »

February 24, 2020Knowledge Portal
The age of foodtech: Optimizing the agri-food chain with digital technologies

This article reviewed emerging applications of technologies like the Internet of Things, distributed ledger technologies and Artificial Intelligence at various phases of the agri-food chain, focusing in particular on smart and precision farming, value chain integrity, personalized nutrition and the reduction and prevention of food waste. »

December 9, 2019Knowledge Portal
Access to early generation seed: Obstacles for delivery of climate-smart varieties

Changing climates will require African farmers to adjust which crop varieties they grow in order to adapt to changing patterns of weather, pests and diseases. Delivering more suitable, climate-smart crop varieties requires well-functioning seed systems in which actors work in harmony across the supply chain. Although a great deal of previous development funding has been used to breed new varieties and to encourage farmers to adopt them, the availability of early-generation seed (EGS) continues to be limited by bottlenecks in the supply chain.

December 9, 2019Knowledge Portal
Civil society and social movements in food system governance

This book examines and compares variety of governance innovations, at a range of scales, thereby offerig insights for those considering contemporary food systems and their ongoing transformation. A key finding includes that food movements are increasingly engaging in governance to have a wider and more systemic impact. »

December 3, 2019Knowledge Portal
Youth and jobs in rural Africa: Beyond stylized facts

This book uses survey data to build a nuanced understanding of the constraints and opportunities facing rural youth in Africa. This book finds that a balance between alarm and optimism is warranted. Addressing youth employment in Africa is a global challenge, but it is one that was overcome by other developing regions when they underwent similar demographic transitions three decades ago. Currently, youth employment is a major policy goal today, however policies themselves often fall short of addressing the constraints facing young job seekers. »

September 25, 2019Knowledge Portal
Resilient seed systems: Handbook

This book is a tool that supports research and capacity building on resilient seed systems in the context of adaptation to climate change. It advises how countries can design and implement a comprehensive capacity-building strategy to access and use crop diversity more effectively to adapt to climate change in specific sites. »