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May 13th, 2015

Adaptation actions in Africa: evidence that gender matters

Published by CGIAR/CCAFS,

This paper (PDF) by CGIAR presents the initial data analyses of the CCAFS gender survey implemented in four sites in Africa. It highlights some key gender-related findings regarding climate change perceptions, adaptation strategies of climate smart agricultural (CSA) practices and information needs across sites in Africa. Important findings include that both men and women are experiencing changes in long-run weather patterns and that they are changing their behaviours in response. It was found that women are less aware of many CSA practices. However, women, when aware, are more likely than or just as likely as men to adopt CSA practices. In West Africa, overall, the adoption of these practices was much lower. The authors argue that targeting women with climate and agricultural information is likely to result in uptake of new agricultural practices for adaptation.

Curated from cgspace.cgiar.org