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Do the costs of the global food system outweigh its monetary value?
June 28, 2019Expert opinion
Do the costs of the global food system outweigh its monetary value?
Theme: Food Systems Approach

Food is essential for all living organisms to survive and flourish, but for human beings, food transcends biological needs and has long been an integral part of social life and culture. Over the past century, the food system has done very well in producing enough food to outpace population growth – reducing the real price of food to make it more accessible to the poor and drive down global hunger and poverty.  While the remaining pockets of hunger require continued attention, the global food system is rapidly transforming, including in the less developed regions of Africa, Asia and parts of Latin America. »

F&BKP Newsletter May 2019 (#02)
May 23, 2019News
F&BKP Newsletter May 2019 (#02)

In the May 2019 Newsletter, the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) informs to have published its Annual Report 2018 and a booklet with an overview of all 73 projects of the Knowledge Management Facility (KMF) in the period 2013-2018.  »

Food for All Talk
March 21, 2019Knowledge activity
Food for All Talk “The Nutritious Supply Chain: Optimizing Humanitarian Food Aid”

On March 19, another Food for All Talk (#FFATalks) under the WBG-Netherlands Partnership took place, entitled “The Nutritious Supply Chain: Optimizing Humanitarian Food Aid”. Dr. Hein Fleuren of the Zero Hunger Lab and the Tilburg School of Economics & Management presented how they developed  a model that simultaneously optimizes the food basket to be delivered, the sourcing plan, the routing plan, and the transfer modality. »

F&BKP newsletter September 2018 (#05)
September 21, 2018News
F&BKP newsletter September 2018 (#05)

In its September newsletter the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) presents reports of several workshops, among them the session about the UNSC resolution 2417 on conflict and hunger; the Food Systems Approach workshop at the WUR SDG conference; and the CoP on Youth, employment and migration. »

Matchmaking and knowledge sharing between Dutch development programs and World Bank investments
September 17, 2018Expert opinion
Matchmaking and knowledge sharing between Dutch development programs and World Bank investments

Since 2015, the “Food for All” Partnership brings together the World Bank Group and civil society, academia, government, private sector, and other stakeholders from the Netherlands. Read here the interview with Wijnand van IJssel, a Dutch expert who is actually seconded at the Agriculture Global Practice within the World Bank in Washington to foster matchmaking and knowledge sharing. »

Datathon Stop Food Loss & Waste
July 25, 2018Knowledge activity
Datathon Stop Food Loss & Waste
Theme: Food Wastage

The power of new approaches and technologies, young minds and reaching outside the box of World Bank domain bubbles, was shown on May 19 and 20, 2018 during the Datathon Food Loss and Waste. The event was organized in Amsterdam at the premises of big data company Xomnia B.V., under the WBG-NL Partnership “Food for All”. »