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January 14, 2016Knowledge Portal
The future of youth in agricultural value chains in Ethiopia and Kenya

This report elaborates on how increased youth involvement in the agricultural value chain can improve food security and diminish youth unemployment. The study assesses where in the farming systems and the agricultural value chain youth is present and tries to understand the perspectives of youth towards agriculture. The study identifies the conditions that influence the involvement of male and female youth in maize and potato value chains in Ethiopia and Kenya. »

Successful Wicked World – Bee Collective session in Nairobi on reduction of potato losses
December 1, 2015Knowledge activity
Successful Wicked World – Bee Collective session in Nairobi on reduction of potato losses
Theme: Food Wastage

On November 20, 2015, Bee Collective, Wicked Problems Plaza, Postharvest Network and the F&BKP organized a Wicked World – Bee Collective session titled, “Potato losses, Value chain efficiency and Food security” in the Nailab, an innovation hub for social businesses in Nairobi, Kenya. »

November 10, 2015Knowledge Portal
Cattle keepers’ preference for hub options for dairy business in Tanzania

This brief (PDF) of the International Livestock Research Institute elaborates solutions for the dairy value chain in Tanzania. Since demand for milk in Tanzania increases, there is a need for new mechanisms to increase productivity and market orientation. »

Potato losses, value chain efficiency and food security
November 5, 2015News
Potato losses, value chain efficiency and food security
Theme: Food Wastage

The Wicked World – Bee Collective session co-organized by the F&BKP and Postharvest Network on November 20, 2015 in Kenya, forms part of the Bee Collective Festival in which different wicked problems will be addressed on several locations all over the world. »

October 21, 2015Knowledge Portal
New trends in financing agricultural value chains – promising practices and emerging recommendations for policy development

This publication (PDF) by Dr. Rauno Zander from the GPFI SME Finance SubGroup aims to provide development policymakers with some practical recent insights on new trends in agricultural value chain financing. It highlights good practices, success factors and lessons to be learnt from recent experiences, covering the past five years. The paper looks at innovation challenges in agricultural value chain financing and details three possible types of innovation. »

Start of “Fit-to-Purpose” approach in Agrofood Value Chains
October 15, 2015News
Start of “Fit-to-Purpose” approach in Agrofood Value Chains
Theme: Fit-to-Purpose

The Fit-to-Purpose programme is an initiative by Pure Birds and the Postharvest Network and is supported by the Food & Business Knowledge Platform. The objective of this programme is to stimulate entrepreneurship and innovation of Dutch companies in agrofood value chains in developing countries. The approach is aimed at the development of simple and sustainable »