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May 4, 2020Knowledge Portal
Agri-food markets and trade policy in the time of COVID-19

This policy brief examines different policy measures, with the aim to support informed policy decision-making during COVID-19. olicy measures should aim to address actual rather than perceived demand and supply disruptions; enhanced market transparency and coordination with all concerned actors are critical in this regard. »

February 27, 2020Knowledge Portal
Rethinking trade policies to support healthier diets

This brief focuses on the potential to lever improvements in diets by trade policy, and how to address it. The primary focus is on cross-border flows of food and agricultural commodities, exploring the effects that trade can have on the supply and affordability of nutrient-rich foods. It also considers how trends in global trade affect diets, greenhouse gas emissions and the natural environment upon which food systems depend. »

November 28, 2019
Changing food systems: implications for DFID priorities

This policy brief examines changes in food systems, including urbanisation, changing diets and free trade, the risks and opportunities of these changes and its implications for policy priorities. The changes in food systems create both systemic risks and transformational opportunities that demand a deeper understanding of food systems and how to ensure their long-term resilience, inclusiveness, and sustainability. »

September 4, 2019Knowledge Portal
The Africa Agriculture Trade Monitor 2019

This report presents an examination of the recent trends, current status, and future outlook of African agricultural trade in global and regional markets. The report finds that while growth in Africa’s agricultural imports has continued to outpace export growth, the agricultural trade deficit has been on the decline since 2012. »

August 21, 2019Knowledge Portal
Exploring agriculture diversification in Zambia from different perspectives

This discussion paper explores the reasons for the lack of agricultural diversity from the perspectives of smallholder households, market actors and extension officers. Zambia’s diversification agenda should be based on  the priorities and requirements of farming households. To succeed it will require the collective efforts of key players, and a range of co-ordinated policy changes. »

February 5, 2019Knowledge Portal
Global implications of the European food system: A food systems approach

This report enhances the knowledge on the global implications of the EU food system. How trade relations of the EU with LMIC may evolve in the future, depends on major trends in consumption and production in the EU. »