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January 22, 2019Knowledge Portal
When food crosses borders: Paradigm shifts in China’s food sectors and implications for Vietnam

This article aims to provide a preliminary overview of the macro trends that are emerging in regard to Chinese food security strategy at the national level and the food preferences at the household level and its implications for Vietnam. »

European driven Food System effects on people, economies and environments in LMICs
November 12, 2018Knowledge activity
European driven Food System effects on people, economies and environments in LMICs

By assessing economic, ecological and social effects of the European role in food systems in Low and Middle Income countries, EU interventions can be improved for better impact on the SDGs, yet this demands very new ways of multi-actor cooperation. This was concluded during the round table discussion in Brussels on October 31 with high level experts from EC DGs Agri, Research and Development and various European universities. »

September 7, 2018Knowledge Portal
Africa Agriculture Trade Monitor 2018

This report presents an examination of the recent trends, current status, and future outlook of African agricultural trade in global and regional markets. The analyses demonstrate undeniable improvements in Africa’s trade performance since the late 1990s. Nevertheless, progress has been uneven. »

May 10, 2018Knowledge Portal
Aligning ARD and trade policies to improve sustainable development impact

This exploratory study seeks to analyse the ongoing debate and cooperation between Agricultural and Rural Development (ARD) and trade, and aid for trade departments. Development partners are making efforts to strengthen coherence between their Trade and ARD policies and interventions. »

The economics of food safety in India – a rapid assessment
November 16, 2017Study
The economics of food safety in India – a rapid assessment

In the context of the World Bank – India dialogue, the challenge of food safety in India is analyzed. Experts on food safety from the International Livestock Institute (ILRI) and economists from Wageningen Economic Research have conducted a study providing a rough estimate of costs related to food safety, using existing data and tools and discussing the resulting implications and actions needed for a more accurate estimate. »

May 2, 2017Knowledge Portal
Do markets and trade help or hurt the global food system adapt to climate change?

This article discusses the effects of markets and trade on the global food system in a changing climate. The authors argue that food security in a changing climate can best be understood as a double exposure: the exposure of people and processes to both economic and climate-related shocks and stressors. »