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sustainable development goals (SDGs)

August 1, 2016Knowledge Portal
Sustainable agricultural development for food security and nutrition: what roles for livestock?

This report recognizes the unique role of pastoral systems. It identifies the key challenges that pastoralism is facing. Its recommendations include enabling the mobility of pastoralists, strengthening the role of local pastoralist organizations, improving social services and market access for pastoral communities and strengthening security, tenure and title of customary lands, property rights and governance of grazing resources. »

May 31, 2016Knowledge Portal
Livestock for sustainable development in the 21st Century

The document (PDF) by the Livestock Global Alliance focuses on the potential of livestock as solutions to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It portrays the broad diversity of the livestock sector, ranging from grazing to industrial systems. »

Ready for Change? Global Goals at home and abroad
May 26, 2016News
Ready for Change? Global Goals at home and abroad

During the “Ready for Change?” conference in Amsterdam, the publication “Ready for Change? Global Goals at home and abroad” was presented. The report aspires to contribute to an ambitious and concrete implementation of the SDGs. »

May 18, 2016Knowledge Portal
Sustaining healthy diets: The role of capture fisheries and aquaculture for improving nutrition in the post-2015 era

This report reviews current fish production and consumption from capture fisheries and aquaculture, highlights opportunities for enhancing healthy diets and outlines key multi-sectoral policy solutions. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agenda makes achieving food security and ending malnutrition a global priority. Within this framework, the importance of fisheries in local and global food systems and its contribution to nutrition and health, particularly for the poor are overlooked and undervalued , according to the authors. »

April 14, 2016Knowledge Portal
The global food policy report

This report examines major food policy issues, global and regional developments, and commitments made in 2015, and presents data on key food policy indicators. The report also proposes key policy options for 2016 and beyond to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. In 2015, the global community made major commitments on sustainable development and climate change. »

January 21, 2016Knowledge Portal
Looking for greener pastures: African youth and their future jobs

In this blog post on the INCLUDE platform, Marije Balt from Springfactor elaborates on youth moving to urban areas and explores programmes and plans of donors to invest in job creation in Africa’s largest sector, agriculture. The blog highlights a number of obstacles faced by young people wishing to engage in agriculture, such as the stigma surrounding agriculture as a lifestyle and source of livelihood, restricted access to land, irrelevant education, inability to handle risk and poor access to finance. Comprehensive approaches are needed, both in rural and urban areas, in agriculture and other sectors, whuch can help youth in Africa find decent work and stop looking for the proverbial greener pastures elsewhere, Balt concludes. »