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public-private partnership (ppp)

August 22, 2017Knowledge Portal
Making vegetable markets work for smallholders in Myanmar

This case study discusses the ‘Making Vegetable Markets Work for the Poor’ Program. This program focuses on improving the vegetable market chain throughout Myanmar by utilizing the market systems development approach. The case study explores the collaboration between East–West Seed Myanmar and Mercy Corps. »

Food for All Talk 04 “Exploring public-private solutions to Agri-Food Value Chains”
July 20, 2017Knowledge activity
Food for All Talk 04 “Exploring public-private solutions to Agri-Food Value Chains”

On June 29, the fourth Food for All Talk (#FFATalks) under the WBG-NL Partnership took place, entitled “Exploring Public-Private Solutions to Agri-Food Value Chains”. Jan Ubels of the Dutch PPPLab presented various examples of applying public-private partnerships to agricultural sector transformation. »

Lessons learned in the first years of the Geodata for Agriculture and Water (G4AW) Facility
November 24, 2016News
Lessons learned in the first years of the Geodata for Agriculture and Water (G4AW) Facility

The F&BKP assisted with a mid-term review of the Geodata for Agriculture and Water (G4AW) Facility. The findings show that the G4AW Facility opens new markets for providing information services. The G4AW projects offer a wide range of business models that address a gap in the current global geodata services market by offering locally targeted advice to small food producers, based on satellite information. »

Strategic Secondment on Food Security, Nutrition and Food Quality
November 17, 2016News
Strategic Secondment on Food Security, Nutrition and Food Quality

In the context of the MoU “Food for All’ signed in 2015 between the World Bank Group and the Netherlands, a strategic secondment of a Senior Advisor Food Security of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands takes place to the World Bank Agriculture Global Practice. Mr. Wijnand Van IJssel has been selected for »

October 3, 2016Knowledge Portal
Public-private partnerships for agribusiness development – A review of international experiences

This publication aims to improve understanding of the potential benefits and challenges of agri-Public-Private Partnerships (PPP). It provides an analysis of 70 PPP cases gathered from 15 developing countries, together with evidence from FAO’s support to the review of PPP policies for agriculture in Southeast Asia and Central America. Agri-PPPs are expected to contribute to the pursuit of sustainable agricultural development that is inclusive of smallholder farmers. »

Twelfth F&BKP Newsletter
April 15, 2016News
Twelfth F&BKP Newsletter

In the April newsletter, the launch of the third call of the Food & Business Applied Research Fund is highlighted. Furthermore, several knowledge products and event reports recently developed within the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) are presented. Those include the complete report of the successful Food & Business Applied Research projects workshop held in »