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July 26, 2018Knowledge Portal
Can sustainable agriculture mitigate massive youth migration in Africa?

This article is on sustainable agriculture lever to mitigate youth migration in Africa. Sustainable agricultural transformation in an approach that offers one of the most robust and immediate opportunities for addressing several of the drivers of migration in Africa. »

June 27, 2018Knowledge Portal
Rural migration in Tunisia: Drivers and patterns of rural youth migration and its impact on food security and rural livelihoods in Tunisia

This report by The Migration Policy Centre and FAO, addresses the determinants of migration and mobility, the patterns and types of rural youth outmigration and the impact of rural youth migration on food security and rural livelihoods and societies in origin regions in Tunisia.  Given the key role of agriculture both as a preferred sector for transnational engagement of migrants and as a targeted domain of activity and investment upon future return, policies focusing on migration and rural development could address both these forms of diaspora mobilisation. »

June 20, 2018Knowledge Portal
The nexus between food and nutrition security, and migration: Clarifying the debate and charting a way forward

This discussion paper clarifies the characteristics of the nexus between food security and migration, frames the debate and provides recommendations for further work around agriculture and rural development (ARD) and migration interventions.  »

May 21, 2018Knowledge Portal
Youth mobility, food security and rural poverty reduction

This report describes the FAO project Youth mobility, food security and rural poverty reduction, which was successfully completed in February 2018. The Project aimed at improving the understanding of rural migration by filling evidence gaps on the determinants and impacts of migration in rural areas and at promoting better policy integration between migration, agriculture and rural development. »

May 16, 2018Knowledge Portal
The effect of land access on youth employment and migration decisions: Evidence from rural Ethiopia

This article explores how the amount of land that youth expects to inherit affect their migration and employment decisions using cross-sectional data of rural Ethiopia. »

May 3, 2018Knowledge Portal
Migration, youth and decent work

This online course by FAO focuses on migration, youth and decent work. Migration is an intrinsic part of rural development. Yet, there are major knowledge gaps regarding its drivers, dynamics and effects on rural areas. This e-learning will help professionals to understand the linkages between migration and rural development with a particular focus on youth. »