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land governance

July 12, 2017Knowledge Portal
Painting by numbers: The big picture for gender equality

This blogpost by highlights the challenges related to sex-disaggregated data collection and the limited availability of accurate statistics that reflect the reality of women in poor, rural parts of the world. »

July 12, 2017Knowledge Portal
Sustainable land management in practice in the Kagera Basin: Lessons learned for scaling up at landscape level

This book provides insights into sustainable land management in the Kagera Basin, shared by Burundi, Tanzania, Rwanda, and Uganda. It showcases how land degradation can be successfully challenged and climate change can be coped with through sustainable landscape planning and management. »

Highlights from Learning Platform on investments in Tanzania
June 27, 2017Expert opinion
Highlights from Learning Platform on investments in Tanzania
Theme: Land Governance

On April 27 and 28, 2017, a first multi-stakeholder Learning Platform on Land Governance and Food Security was organized in Ifakara, Tanzania. The Learning Platform creates space for dialogue and learning around land-based investments in agriculture and forestry in the Kilombero Valley in Tanzania. »

June 26, 2017Knowledge Portal
For Ethiopia’s farmers, landscape management and tenure lead to more resilience and income

This blog discusses the impact of the Sustainable Land Management Program. This is an innovative approach to restoring degraded land, which combines security of tenure for Ethiopia’s farmers with better management of the country’s natural resources. »

June 12, 2017Knowledge Portal
Enhancing sustainability of pastoral productive systems

This Learning Alliance Highlight reviews the best practices in land tenure policy for pastoralist societies in Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa. Over the course of six topics, participants in the Online Learning Alliance discussed and exchanged ideas on how to sustain pastoralism as a production system. »

May 15, 2017Knowledge Portal
The rush for land in an urbanizing world: From land grabbing toward developing safe, resilient, and sustainable cities and landscapes

This article elaborates on the importance of linking debates on land governance and urbanization. It aims to contribute to current discussions about “making cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable” (SDG 11) by linking debates that are currently taking place in separate containers. »