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August 25, 2020Knowledge Portal
Science of scaling: Connecting the pathways of agricultural research and development for improved food, income and nutrition security

This special issue takes stock of how the world of agricultural research for development (AR4D) is engaging with scaling in theory and practice in the context of increased pressure to demonstrate impact. The 10 publications cut agross three categories: 1) Understanding the scaling trajectory retrospectively form a longer term, systems perspective; 2) Understanding scaling of innovation retrospectively as part of shorter term AR4D interventions; 3) Conceptual or methodological approaches aimed at guiding scaling prospectively. »

December 9, 2019Knowledge Portal
Civil society and social movements in food system governance

This book examines and compares variety of governance innovations, at a range of scales, thereby offerig insights for those considering contemporary food systems and their ongoing transformation. A key finding includes that food movements are increasingly engaging in governance to have a wider and more systemic impact. »

Consultation report for Strategic Knowledge and Innovation Agenda
October 3, 2019Study
Consultation report for Strategic Knowledge and Innovation Agenda

Last spring the F&BKP facilitated a consultative stocktaking process to feed a Strategic Knowledge and Innovation Agenda (SKIA) for SDG2. A range of experts was consulted as well as key policy documents and literature. This inventory was translated in a report that has been published online now. In the report a multi-stakeholder request is dominant for a future knowledge agenda focusing on food systems transformation from a Research in Development perspective. »

August 14, 2019Knowledge Portal
Make hay while the sun shines

This working paper discusses the interface between gender and agricultural innovation systems. More specifically, the working paper investigates how gender norms and roles influence social relations between actors in forage innovation systems in rural Afghanistan. »

ARF-1 factsheet: Solar drying in Ghana
July 18, 2019Research project
ARF-1 factsheet: Solar drying in Ghana

Main result of the ARF project “Solar drying technology for smallholder farmers in Ghana” is the innovation introduced to design, develop and commission low-entry cost, solar drying technology for fruit & vegetable processing. Please download the factsheet with final findings of this Applied Research Fund Call 1 project. »

June 19, 2019Knowledge Portal
Growing food in the cities: Successes and new opportunities

This briefing discusses the development of urban agriculture in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific, looking at successful urban agribusinesses and the innovations, partnerships and policy developments that are creating new opportunities in this field. Urban and peri-urban agriculture offers opportunities for productive employment in a sector with low barriers to entry. Many urban agriculture policies do not address commercial urban agriculture, agro-processing and value addition activities well. »