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inclusive finance

August 23, 2018Knowledge Portal
Launching into space: Using satellite imagery in financial services

This case study offers insight into the method behind how FinTechs integrated earth observation technology (satellite imagery) into their financial servies. Despite challenges, initial testing with satellite imagery has been positive. »

May 7, 2018Knowledge Portal
Getting smarter on subsidy: The role of grant funding in smallholder finance

This briefing aims to bring clarity to the area of grant funding by donors to accelerate the growth of an inclusive smallholder finance market. In smallholder finance, subsidy plays a crucial role in accelerating the development of an inclusive market. »

October 25, 2017Knowledge Portal
How financial inclusion would benefit smallholder farming in Senegal

This working paper analyzes the extent to which farmers are credit-constrained and the underlying generating mechanisms in the specific agro-ecological region of the Senegal River Valley. Additionally it looks at how financial inclusion through the elimination or the reduction of credit constraints would benefit smallholders. »

Geodata and ICT Solutions for Inclusive Finance and Food Security
February 27, 2017Knowledge activity
Geodata and ICT Solutions for Inclusive Finance and Food Security

On February 16, NpM, Rabobank Foundation and NSO organized the conference “Geodata for Inclusive Finance and Food”. The conference aimed to show, share and discuss the latest technological applications based on satellite data in relation to inclusive finance and food security. »

February 15, 2017Knowledge Portal
Inclusive finance and inclusive rural transformation

This paper in the IFAD Research Series provides an overview of concepts, issues and research on the relationship between financial inclusion and inclusive rural transformation. Liberalization of financial markets may not have had the desired spillover effects into rural credit, stressing the need for public intervention. Evidence shows that agricultural credit provides positive returns. »

November 1, 2016Knowledge Portal
FinTech for micro, small and medium sized enterprises

This report by ING addresses the benefits of FinTech for MSMEs in developing countries. The role of FinTech is centre-stage in the discussion on how to financially include poor people in developing economies. This report shifts the focus on to MSMEs as they are important job creators at the bottom of the pyramid. The report contains 10 main insights that could offer important opportunities for the agro-food sector. According to the authors, FinTech has the potential to impact the whole financial value chain and thus improve financial access for MSMEs. »