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inclusive finance

November 13, 2019Knowledge Portal
Reach, benefit and empower women with financial services

This paper analyzed three cases on women’s access to financial services in agriculture and revealed that an increased access empowered women. Recommended is to develop a focus on female clients, starting by a proper market analysis, and to use communication channels that women are familiar with »

September 3, 2019Knowledge Portal
Using satellite data in financial inclusion

This guide explains foundational concepts of machine learning and how financial services providers can apply those methods to leverage information contained in satellite images for the purpose of credit scoring for smallholder finance. »

August 20, 2019Knowledge Portal
Assessing the effectiveness of private finance blending in ensureing that small-scale farmers are not left behind

This paper identifies the policies and systems needed to ensure that private finance blending at the least does no harm and in practice plays a positive role for small-scale producers. The paper argues that private finance blending should be used with caution in rural development until donors can demonstrate the merits of blending using evidence-based results, in particular the added value of blending for development impact. »

July 17, 2019Knowledge Portal
Smallholder households: Distinct segments, different needs

This paper identifies three segments of smallholder households and provides information to strategize how to reach and serve smallholder households. Understanding the distinct profiles of smallholder segments can help financial services providers, government bodies, and agricultural development partners better identify and serve their most relevant smallholder households. »

June 4, 2019Knowledge Portal
Fintechs and financial inclusion

This paper aims to explain finance innovations in a detailed way and generate insights on whether the services work as stated, create value for underserved customers, and ease age-old pain points in delivering financial services to underserved customers. Fintechs are innovating at every step of the financial services value chain, often through new value propositions. They are making financial services more affordable and accessible, are improving customere experience and accelerate use and engagement. »

New AgTech funds database
May 29, 2019News
New AgTech funds database

A new comprehensive database of funds providing capital for AgTech companies is available on the new website of NpM, Platform for Inclusive Finance. The tool is based on the study “Critical Capital for African Agri-Food SMEs” and the list is expanded to include all of Africa and some Asian countries. »