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October 5, 2016Knowledge Portal
The gender dimensions of global value chains

This report elaborates on the gender dimension of global value chains since policy makers are increasingly turning to global value chains as a means of driving development, generating employment and raising incomes. However, the access and benefits from participation value chains are closely related to gender issues and opportunities are different for men and women. »

October 3, 2016Knowledge Portal
Gender dimensions on farmers’ preferences for direct-seeded rice with drum seeder in India

This study measures the willingness of male and female farmers to pay for climate-smart technology in rice. Rice is the most important crop in India in terms of area, production,and consumption. It is also the biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions among all crops. Direct-seeded rice (DSR)with drum seeder, a climate-smart technology, requires less labor and water and is more climate friendly than transplanted rice; yet, its adoption is slow in India. The authors of this study carried out a discrete choice experiment with 666 farmers from the Palghar and Thane districts of Maharashtra to measure their willingness to pay for drum seeders—a key piece of equipment for adopting DSR. »

September 20, 2016Knowledge Portal
Gender-based constraints and opportunities to agricultural intensification in Ethiopia

This literature review provides a holistic perspective of the stock and interaction between the capitals required by men and women farmers for effective engagement in agricultural intensification in Ethiopia. Although land reform has enhanced women’s access to land, participation in decision-making and asset control are yet to be achieved. »

Reflection paper on land governance and food security
August 31, 2016Study
Reflection paper on land governance and food security
Theme: Land Governance

This reflection paper brings together the main findings and outcomes of three country-specific learning trajectories on land governance and food security in Uganda, Ghana and Ethiopia, to provide policy recommendations for improved land governance and food security in Africa. »

August 21, 2016Knowledge Portal
Women in non production roles in agriculture: A literature review of promising practices

This review of literature reveals that there are many opportunities to increase women’s economic empowerment beyond interventions focused on production. While there is a wealth of information related to women’s economic empowerment through production, there is limited available data related to best practices and promising approaches for women’s empowerment at other value chain levels. This literature review aims to fill this knowledge gap by examining approaches to empower women or increase their incomes in the value chain outside of production. »

August 18, 2016Knowledge Portal
Gender differences in climate change perception and adaptation strategies: A case study on three provinces in Vietnam’s Mekong River Delta

The presents insights on current climate change perceptions and adaptation strategies and gaps between male and females farmers in three selected provinces across the Mekong River Delta (MRD) in Vietnam. Perceptions of climate change in Vietnam do not appear to be individual but rather dis-aggregated at the household level or possibly at the landscape level. »