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May 15, 2017Knowledge Portal
From awareness to action: Knowledge sharing for more gender-responsive animal and plant breeding

This action plan brief illustrates the type of strategic knowledge sharing in gender research, with the example of the integration of gender into animal and plant breeding. Many breeders in CGIAR are aware of how gender differences can influence variety adoption and the impact of plant and animal breeding programs. »

May 3, 2017Knowledge Portal
Inclusive agribusiness

These six papers explore some of the key themes in inclusive agribusiness. The papers discuss enabling policy environments, access to finance, gender, multi-stakeholder partnerships, inclusive business models in agriculture and systemic approaches to inclusive agribusiness. »

May 3, 2017Knowledge Portal
Integrating a gender perspective to help scale Africa RISING technologies and practices: Requirements for proposal development and implementation

This short guide helps Africa RISING researchers to properly address gender issues in their proposals and interventions. Gender equality is central to the process of scaling technologies and practices in a sustainable manner. Failing to take into account gender differences can limit the reach and scale of Africa RISING technologies. This tool describes how gender issues should be addressed in each step of the intervention designing process. »

April 26, 2017Knowledge Portal
Despite hardships: Women running own households provide model of empowerment and innovation

This blog discusses stories of resilience, change and achievement emerging from the testimonies of women running their own households. A recent study shows that many of the “unattached” women in the sample rated themselves as strongly empowered by their experiences with running their households and with managing their own farms. »

April 17, 2017Knowledge Portal
He says, she says: Exploring patterns of spousal agreement in Bangladesh

This discussion paper examines differences in spouses’ answers to questions regarding who participates in decisions about household activities, who owns assets, and who decides to purchase assets in Bangladesh. Participation in household decisions and control over assets are often used as indicators of bargaining power. »

April 5, 2017Knowledge Portal
Creating mutual benefits: examples of gender and biodiversity outcomes in horticultural activities

This series of fact sheets features Bioversity International case studies with local NGOs and partners. These case studies illustrate successful outcomes in gender and biodiversity through the use of gender-specific research methods. Three of these factsheets take place in forest and agroforestry landscapes and have interesting lessons for horticultural activities. »