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food security policy

February 8, 2016Knowledge Portal
Mapping the Vulnerability of Mountain Peoples to Food Insecurity

This report presents an updated geographic and demographic picture of the world’s mountain areas and assesses the vulnerability to food insecurity of mountain dwellers in developing countries. The report is a follow-up on FAO-report from 2003. »

January 26, 2016Knowledge Portal
Creating a new menu for food security policy: Linking urbanisation and rural development

This report elaborates on the changing patterns of food consumption and production between rural and urban areas and its impacts on food security. In the past, rural areas produced food primarily for cities. Urban residents often consumed more than they needed, while the poorest rural smallholders often went hungry. Today, rural areas still produce, but they are also consumers and poor city dwellers now also suffer from hunger. »

January 25, 2016Knowledge Portal
Agriculture and food security: New challenges and options for international policy

This Policy Option Paper (PDF) from the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) and World Economic Forum (WEF) identifies options for policies and international trade rules to respond to current challenges. »

January 18, 2016Knowledge Portal
The state of agricultural commodity markets 2015-16

This report from the Food and Agriculture Organization elaborates on the relations between trade and food security. It aims to reduce the current polarization of views on the impacts of agricultural trade on food security and on the manner in which agricultural trade should be governed to ensure that increased trade openness is beneficial to all countries. Rules governing international trade of food and agricultural products should be crafted with an eye to improving countries’ food security and other development objectives. »

January 18, 2016Knowledge Portal
New tool tracks food and agriculture policies

This article elaborates on the functions of the FAO’s Food and Agriculture Policy Decisions Analysis Tool (Fapda). The web-based tool includes more than 6,000 policy decisions from more than 70 countries. It was developed in 2011 to provide an on-line repository for food and agricultural policy decisions from around the world. »

Pre-announcement third Call Food & Business Applied Research Fund
January 12, 2016News
Pre-announcement third Call Food & Business Applied Research Fund

In the first quarter of 2016 NWO-WOTRO will launch the third Call for proposals for the Food & Business Applied Research Fund (ARF), one of the two funding instruments within Food & Business Research. The scope of the Call has been defined in close co-operation with the Food & Business Knowledge Platform. »