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food security policy

July 6, 2018Knowledge Portal
The food systems approach: sustainable solutions for a sufficient supply of healthy food

A food systems approach (FSA) is a useful interdisciplinary conceptual framework for research and policy aimed at sustainable solutions for the sufficient supply of healthy food. The aim of this paper is twofold: to explain the term ‘food systems approach’ in greater detail, and to show how a food systems conceptual framework can be useful in developing an integrated international policy on food security, nutritional security and international agri-business. »

July 5, 2018Knowledge Portal
Improving policy coherence for food security and nutrition in South Africa: a qualitative policy analysis

This article (PDF) in the Food Security Journal analyses the coherence of food supply policy content with respect to nutrition and food security in South Africa. In the rise of the double burden of malnutrition, the supply-side policy interventions are a critical component of action. However, the food supply is governed by a number of different »

Doing more, doing less, doing different: room for improvement in the Dutch food security policy
June 27, 2018Expert opinion
Doing more, doing less, doing different: room for improvement in the Dutch food security policy

There is great potential for the Dutch food security agenda to be more effective when a food system approach, the ambition of leaving no one behind and local knowledge gain a more central role. This was the main conclusion from the multi-stakeholder dialogue on the recent IOB evaluation of the Dutch food security policy, on May 31, 2018 in Wageningen. »

Turning the food system around to achieve inclusive nutrition security
June 27, 2018Expert opinion
Turning the food system around to achieve inclusive nutrition security

Breakout session 1 of IOB public dialogue Dutch food security policy on May 31, 2018. Food availability and access alone are not enough to realize nutrition security. To improve what the Dutch food security agenda contributes to the global goal of reducing hunger and malnutrition, future policy should shift focus. »

Making agricultural transformation more inclusive
June 27, 2018Expert opinion
Making agricultural transformation more inclusive

Breakout session 2 of IOB public dialogue Dutch food security policy on May 31, 2018. Although Dutch food security policy has contributed to better availability of and access to food, the social inclusiveness effects of food security programmes seemed less positive and were a cause for debate. Participants in the breakout session “inclusive agricultural transformation and rural transition” presented various views on how improvements can be made. »

Future PPPs: transformative engines contributing to public objectives
June 27, 2018Expert opinion
Future PPPs: transformative engines contributing to public objectives

Breakout session 3 of IOB public dialogue Dutch food security policy on May 31, 2018. The private sector plays an important role in all phases of the food system. It is evident that the Dutch government needs to collaborate with private enterprises amongst others in implementing its food security policy. »