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food security policy

February 28, 2019Knowledge Portal
Devising urban food security policy for African cities

This policy brief focusses on policy development to guarantee food security for urban families. The countryside is not the same as the city, yet too often policy confuses the two. To identify what policy strategies would be most effective, stakeholders should conduct surveys at the household level that involve inquiries on education, food affordability and household size. »

Dutch Food Security Policies embrace Food Systems Approach
February 25, 2019Expert opinion
Dutch Food Security Policies embrace Food Systems Approach
Theme: Food Systems Approach

Dutch food security programs in the international development domain have been mainly focussed during the last few decades on increasing agricultural production and reinforcing international trade of tropical commodities. This focus is now gradually changing towards activities that devote key attention to gender and nutrition, circularity and climate resilience, and upgrading of agro-food value chains. Moreover, there is a growing interest in systematic learning from interventions by engaging researchers into development programs. »

Co-creation for research in food security development
October 18, 2018Expert opinion
Co-creation for research in food security development

With the aim of reaching SDG2 (zero hunger and sustainable agriculture) development agencies have for a long time funded research for development. In the margins of the recent Wageningen SDG conference Melle Leenstra, policy officer food security at the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was invited to give his take on the topic of the session entitled “Co-creation for impact: Donors and Knowledge institutions”. »

July 25, 2018Knowledge Portal
How can health, agriculture and economic policy actors work together to enhance the external food environment for fruit and vegetables? A qualitative policy analysis in India

This study aims to identify opportunities to strengthen food system policy for nutrition, for fruit and vegetables in India. The study identified three strategies for fruit and vegetable supply policy actors, which can help address the interdisciplinary disconnect between nutrition, economics and agriculture. »

Evaluation of the Food & Business Knowledge Platform 2013-2018
July 19, 2018News
Evaluation of the Food & Business Knowledge Platform 2013-2018

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs agreed to do a review for the first phase of the F&BKP, 2013 – 2018. Evaluators Ton Dietz and Joep van den Broek were appointed to look at the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of the Platform and based on this to formulate recommendations for the future outlook of the Platform. And as such to provide input to the Ministry for decision making on a possible second phase of the F&BKP. Please find in this article the review highlights and a link to the full PDF. »

F&BKP newsletter July 2018 (#04)
July 9, 2018News
F&BKP newsletter July 2018 (#04)

In its July newsletter the F&BKP presents an extensive report about the IOB dialogue on the Dutch food security policy review, with summary and outcomes. Also the Youth and Agripreneurship workshop, including Youth caravan and Youth market, which the Platform co-organized during foodFIRST, are highlighted. »