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food consumption patterns

August 29, 2018Knowledge Portal
Urban food security in the context of inequality and dietary change: A study of school children in Accra

This study explores food security in the context of inequality and dietary change in schoolchildren in Accra.It shows that socio-economic status is a critical dimension of food security and consumption. Urban food security is defined by two phenomena: intra-urban inequality and global dietary change. »

August 21, 2018Knowledge Portal
Access to nutrition index 2018

This report published the Access To Nutrition Index to track the contribution food and beverage manufacturers make to delivering better diets worldwide. Many companies have stepped up their efforts to contribute to better diets over the last two years. »

August 9, 2018Knowledge Portal
The spice of life: The fundamental role of diversity on the farm and on the plate

This synthesis paper discusses why agricultural biodiversity and dietary diversity are important, the relationship between them, the reasons why they are at risk, and what can be done to foster them. The world is witnessing major shifts in dietary patterns and – in parallel – the threat to agricultural biodiversity. »

July 26, 2018Knowledge Portal
Fish consumption in urban Lusaka: The need for aquaculture to improve targeting of the poor

This paper aims to generate information on the fish consumption patterns of poor urban households and explore the role of aquaculture as a source of fish among poor urban households in Zambia. Results imply that the poorest households are less likely to supplement their diets with fish products from aquaculture. »

July 5, 2018
The influence of livestock-derived foods on nutrition during the first 1,000 days of life

This report synthesizes the best current evidence on the influence of livestock-derived foods, such as meat, milk and eggs, on the nutrition of pregnant and lactating mothers and infants during their first 1,000 days of life in low- and middle-income countries, especially in Africa and Asia. »

July 2, 2018Knowledge Portal
The role of edible insects in diets and nutrition in East Africa

This article describes the role of edible insects in diets and nutrition in East Africa. Farmed edible insects are gaining popularity within the region. However the utilization of the edible insects is hampered by lack of storage and preservation facilities in the rural areas leading to high postharvest losses. »