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food and nutrition governance

March 1, 2016Knowledge Portal
Governing food and nutrition security in food-importing and aid-recipient countries: Burkina Faso and Ethiopia

This working paper analyses to what extend development partners contribute to change in food and nutrition security policies in Ethiopia and Burkina Faso. The analysis of some policy-decisions shows the complexity of relations between aid and national the actors. The authors analyse how the multidimensional nature of food and nutrition security challenges is addressed in policy-making processes. The authors discovered that often FNS policies and institutional frameworks remain predominantly agricultural production-oriented. »

January 18, 2016Knowledge Portal
The state of agricultural commodity markets 2015-16

This report from the Food and Agriculture Organization elaborates on the relations between trade and food security. It aims to reduce the current polarization of views on the impacts of agricultural trade on food security and on the manner in which agricultural trade should be governed to ensure that increased trade openness is beneficial to all countries. Rules governing international trade of food and agricultural products should be crafted with an eye to improving countries’ food security and other development objectives. »

November 3, 2015Knowledge Portal
Recent developments in the dairy sector in Eastern Africa: Towards a regional policy framework for value chain development

This brief argues the dairy sector in Eastern Africa is under-exploited. It states that there are opportunities to strengthen or build upon existing regional structures and market complementarities, to activate stronger regional levers and coordinate actions across countries. »

October 19, 2015Knowledge Portal
Habitual choice strategy, poverty and urban consumer demand for biofortified iron beans in developing countries: An application of random-effects double hurdle model

This article scrutinizes the urban consumer demand for nutritious foods in the context of bio-fortified iron beans as a public health intervention in Africa. The increasing urbanization process in developing countries creates current and future challenges for the global food system to deliver high quality nutritious foods and provide equitable access for the urban poor. This paper examines the role of habit, poverty and information for urban consumer demand of nutritious foods. »

August 3, 2015Knowledge Portal
The dynamics of the contemporary governance of the world’s food supply and the challenges of policy redirection

This paper in the Food Security Journal identifies the governance dynamics and the international policy architecture that frame contemporary policy actions in relation to the food supply and elaborates on key governance tensions that policy makers need to address to feed the world’s growing population by the mid-21st century. »

July 9, 2015Knowledge Portal
Challenging food governance models: Analyzing the food citizen and the emerging food constitutionalism from an EU perspective

The analysis presented in this paper (PDF) in the Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, reflects specifically on those proposals based on a common aspect: the need to transform the governance of the EU present-day food system, that is, who makes decisions, how are those decisions made, and which changes need to be made to empower food consumers. The introduction of reforms to change these models is proposed. »