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ecologically sustainable food systems

October 16, 2017Knowledge Portal
Mainstreaming agrobiodiversity in sustainable food systems: Scientific foundations for an Agrobiodiversity Index

This book reviews and analyzes the role that agrobiodiversity can play in creating a more sustainable food system. In the context of sustainable food systems, agricultural biodiversity is a key resource.  »

October 2, 2017Knowledge Portal
Food transitions 2030

This policy document provides a vision on the required transition from the current unsustainable food system to a healthy, circular and resource-efficient paradigm. This is a hugely complex transition since the multiple aspects of food production and consumption are closely interconnected and changing one aspect can easily have major unintended consequences. »

September 25, 2017Knowledge Portal
Microalgae as feed ingredients for livestock production and meat quality

This article unveils the dietary microalgae effects currently known on production and meat quality of livestock species. These small-sized algae, have been studied as a natural marine resource for a number of economically relevant applications, including animal feed. Research evidence so far has shown that the inclusion of microalgae in animal diets could improve growth and meat quality in ruminants, pigs, poultry and rabbits. »

September 13, 2017Knowledge Portal
Sustainable diets for healthy people and a healthy planet

This discussion paper connects the dots between sustainable food systems, dietary patterns, health, nutrition and climate change mitigation. Developing a global food system to deliver healthy diets for a growing population, while reducing the environmental impact and reining in climate change, is one of the greatest global challenges of our time. »

September 11, 2017Knowledge Portal
Greenhouse gas emission analyses from nine agricultural development projects reveal mitigation options

This blog discusses analyses which show that some agricultural practices contribute to improved food security and climate change mitigation. These analyses can help prioritize agricultural practices that contribute to sustainable development goals in food security and climate. »

September 5, 2017Knowledge Portal
Trade-offs between environment and livelihoods: Bridging the global land use and food security discussions

This article connects the discussion on the trade-offs between agricultural production and environmental concerns, including the asserted need for global land use expansion, and the issues of rural livelihoods and food security. »