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behavioral change

April 5, 2017Knowledge Portal
Adaptation processes in agriculture and food security: Insights from evaluating behavioral changes in West Africa

This chapter in the book “Evaluating Climate Change Action for Sustainable Development” focuses on the evaluation of adaptive capacities of community-level human systems related to agriculture and food security. It highlights findings regarding approaches and domains to monitor and evaluate behavioral changes from CGIAR’s research program on climate change, agriculture and food security (CCAFS). »

March 21, 2017Knowledge Portal
Pastoral community platforms as channels for behavioural change for nutrition

This publication explores the potential of pastoral-community platforms to channel maternal, infant and young-child nutrition messages to community members. A seven-month Behavioral Change for Improved Nutrition intervention assessed the ability of pastoral-community platforms to increase awareness on optimal practices to promote positive behavioural changes in the study communities. »

April 28, 2016Knowledge Portal
Shifting diets for a sustainable food future

This report recommends a dietary shift from animal-based protein to more plant-based protein. People who consume high amounts of meat and dairy could significantly reduce the pressure on the environment from agriculture through shifting to diets with a greater share of plant-based foods. The overall recommendations are that dietary shifts are needed that: 1) reduce overconsumption of calories; 2) reduce overconsumption of protein through reducing consumption of animal-based foods; 3) reduce consumption of beef specifically. »

December 1, 2015Knowledge Portal
Changing climate, changing diets: Pathways to lower meat consumption

The authors of this report argue that governments must lead in shifting attitudes and behaviors of consumers to lower meat consumption. According to the report, reduction in global meat consumption is key to mitigating climate change and keeping global warming below two degrees Celsius. Global meat consumption and greenhouse gas emissions are at all-time highs. The livestock sector accounts for 15 percent of all emissions, the equivalent to the emissions of all vehicles worldwide. »