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agricultural interventions

May 23, 2017Knowledge Portal
Nutrition-sensitive agriculture and food systems in practice: Options for intervention

This publication provides a list of food system-based intervention options to improve nutrition and a set concrete entry points for maximizing the impact of each intervention. For each intervention, information is provided on: what the intervention includes; why it has the potential to improve nutrition and how it could be made more nutrition-sensitive. »

April 20, 2017Knowledge Portal
Making the case for institutional demand: Supporting smallholders through procurement and food assistance programmes

This paper focuses on the rationale for supporting market interventions for smallholders through what the authors call Institutional Demand. Institutional Demand consists of different interventions that target procurement from smallholder farmers and distribute their surplus to vulnerable populations. This policy intervention links the goals of both agricultural development and social protection through three key areas: price stabilization; income generation and; food security. »

April 10, 2017Knowledge Portal
Prioritising climate-smart agricultural interventions: The financial aspects

This special of Agricultural Systems focuses on prioritising climate-smart agricultural (CSA) interventions at different scales. Currently, there are few tools that can comprehensively evaluate the range of potential technologies and practices and their possible impacts on food production, environmental sustainability, and mitigation in any context. This special issue brings together nine papers describing a wide range of approaches and tools, of which some focus on the financial considerations for prioritization. »

March 20, 2017Knowledge Portal
Prioritising climate-smart agricultural interventions at different scales

This special of Agricultural Systems focuses on prioritising climate-smart agricultural (CSA) interventions at different scales. Currently, there are few tools that can comprehensively evaluate the range of potential technologies and practices and their possible impacts on food production, environmental sustainability, and mitigation in any context. Therefore, what remains is the prioritization of interventions for investment and broad dissemination. This special issue brings together nine papers describing a wide range of approaches and tools. »

February 27, 2017Knowledge Portal
Integrating fisheries and agricultural programs for food security

This article aims to investigate how widespread the mixed-strategy of fishing and farming is across food-insecure regions of the world. Understanding the degree to which farmers also consume fish, and how fishers also grow crops, would help to inform more resilient food security interventions. »

November 15, 2016Knowledge Portal
A landscape analysis of what we know about mobile nutrition, agriculture and development

This working paper provides insight in how mobile technology can support nutrition and agricultural interventions. While the interest is growing in the use of mobile phones for nutrition behavior change interventions in LMICs, hard evidence is very limited, methodologically weak and often based anecdotal findings. Therefore this study reviews a number of cases where mobile technology interventions were used and summarizes the lessons learned from this. »