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What is climate smart in Africa’s horticulture?
February 7, 2019Study
What is climate smart in Africa’s horticulture?
Theme: Valuable Vegetables

Climate change is and will continue to be a major challenge for East and Southern African horticulture. Its effects on horticulture are lower water availability, lower soil health, higher disease pressure and planning disruptions. With support of the Food & Business Knowledge Platform, AgriProFocus and Verbos Business Development carried out a scoping study of business drivers for Climate Smart Horticulture in Kenya, Zambia and Tanzania. »

A practical guide to make Inclusive Agribusiness cases accessible and inspiring
January 16, 2019Study
A practical guide to make Inclusive Agribusiness cases accessible and inspiring
Theme: Inclusive Business

Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation, together with Roger Reuver, developed a practical guide to make inclusive agribusiness experiences accessible and inspiring. The guide is entitled “Creating effective Case Studies” and is meant for inclusive business teams interested in producing a case study of their project. »

January 15, 2019Knowledge Portal
Stimulating agribusiness entrepreneurship to solve youth unemployment in Kenya

This policy brief analyses the potential of agribusiness to address youth unemployment in Kenya and calls for increased collaboration between agribusiness owners, government and educationalists through entrepreneurship development. Entrepreneurship education and training is vital in preparing young people for the job opportunities that could be available to them and for the evolving nature of the agricultural sector. »

Inventory on Dutch partnerships in support of SHAEA
December 18, 2018Study
Inventory on Dutch partnerships in support of SHAEA

The regional project Strengthening Higher Education for Agri-Food Transformation in Africa (SHAEA) is a proposed regional loan of the World Bank to six African countries to strengthen linkages between selected anchor universities and the regional agricultural sector. To create mutual benefit and set up sustainable cooperation networks, the F&BKP commissioned to Nuffic an inventory of existing institutional relations between the Netherlands and nine African countries. »

November 22, 2018Knowledge Portal
Youth in Food: Opportunities for education and employment

This issue explores challenges and solutions raised by migration pressures with a focus on youth employment in city region food systems. The collection of articles in the magazine explore opportunities for and barriers to youth employment along the entire food system. »

GCP-2 facstheet final findings: Aquaponics farming
November 21, 2018Research project
GCP-2 facstheet final findings: Aquaponics farming

Please download the factsheet with midterm findings of this GCP-2 Fast Track project. »