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Report of
November 15, 2018Research project
Report of “Business Symposium Day”

In September 2018, the ARF project AGRI-QUEST partnered with Makerere University Business School in organizing the 23rd Annual International Management Conference. AGRI-QUEST co-organized and coordinated the conference’s “Business Symposium Day” where the project presented their outcomes to a wide audience.  »

August 13, 2018Knowledge Portal
Realising the potential of agribusiness to reduce youth unemployment in Ethiopia

This policy brief by the IDS highlights the potential of agribusiness for youth in Ethiopia and highlights the gaps that need to be addressed for further success. Agribusiness in Ethiopia has grown significantly in the last 20 years, and this growth is set to continue. This transition presents opportunities to address the country’s high youth unemployment and for agribusinesses to participate in global, regional, and local markets.  »

July 26, 2018
Understanding agribusiness-based advisory services: Findings of a learning trajectory

This report on the functioning of agribusiness-based agricultural advisory services to small-scale farmers. Advisory services are potentially important mechanisms for small and particularly medium farmers to improve the way they farm, increase the volume and quality of production and enhance their livelihoods. »

July 25, 2018Knowledge Portal
The business case for a landscape approach to sustainable beef production in Brazil

This study provides a business case for a landscape approach to sustainable beef production in Brazil. Cattle ranch São Marcelo is seeking to support the increase in production of sustainable, zero-deforestation, traceable beef in order to meet customer demand for such products. »

Agribusiness-based advisory services (ABAS) project - report and workshop
July 9, 2018Knowledge activity
Agribusiness-based advisory services (ABAS) project – report and workshop
Theme: Inclusive Business

In many developing countries, agribusinesses are highly engaged in providing services to small-scale farmers, including agricultural advisory or extension services. Yet, the phenomenon of agribusiness-based advisory services (ABAS) has received little attention in the study of and discourse on advisory services. KIT, Agriterra, Moyee Coffee, and the Food & Business Knowledge Platform have therefore joined hands in a learning trajectory that studied advisory service delivery to small-scale farmers by agri-businesses. »

July 5, 2018Knowledge Portal
Empowering women in agribusiness through social and behaviour change

A publication series shares the experiences and initial impact of the first round of gender-transformative Household Dialogues conducted in Kenya and Vietnam in 2017. The household dialogue sessions impacted rural women and men in that they are now open to reflecting on and rethinking gender norms. »