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access to markets

February 15, 2016Knowledge Portal
Drivers of household food availability in sub-Saharan Africa based on big data from small farms

The analysis in this article uncovers the drivers for the variation in household food availability in sub-Saharan Africa. It suggest that targeting poverty through improving market access and off-farm opportunities is a better strategy to increase food security than focusing on agricultural production and closing the yield gaps. The analysis builds on data from 93 sites in 17 countries in sub-Saharan Africa, across contrasting agro-ecologies and calculated a simple indicator of food availability. »

June 16, 2015Knowledge Portal
Stuck on the road to the market: Why Kenya suffers from stunted innovations

This discussion paper (PDF) by Scinnovent Centre, sought to interrogate the challenges facing innovators in Kenya with a view to making recommendations to the various actors within the national innovation system on the various kinds of support required to ensure Kenyan innovators meet their full potential. A research survey was conducted to capture views on »

June 4, 2015Knowledge Portal
Towards an integrated market for seeds and fertilizers in west Africa

This World Bank Group (WBG) working paper (PDF), explores the development of integrated regional markets and agricultural input supply chains for farmers in West Africa. The paper is a result of consultations with seed, fertilizer, and regional trade experts in the region. The working paper offers recommendations to build on the progress of West African governments that have worked on the development of trade rules and quality control methods. »

May 7, 2015Knowledge Portal
Youth and agriculture: key challenges and concrete solutions

This report (PDF) has been published by FAO, The Youth and United Nations Global Alliance (YUNGA), the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The document builds on results of the project “Facilitating Access to Rural Youth to Agricultural Activities” undertaken by FAO/IFAD/MIJARC, as well as on CTA youth activities. »

April 1, 2015Knowledge Portal
Gender in agriculture: closing the knowledge gap

This book (see synopsis) by IFPRI and FAO, is a compilation of the growing knowledge base on the gender gaps in agriculture. It explains why closing gender gaps is important; analyses the role of gender in agriculture; and takes a look at access to assets, agricultural inputs, and markets by gender. »

Building resilience for Palestinian farmers
March 30, 2015Expert opinion
Building resilience for Palestinian farmers

Resilience is probably one of the most fashionable terminologies in today’s humanitarian and developmental debates. According to the OECD Development Assistance Committee, resilience means that states can better withstand environmental, political, economic and social shocks and stresses. It is about the ability of households, communities and nations to absorb and recover from shocks, whilst positively »