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small and medium enterprises (SME)

March 3, 2015Knowledge Portal
Sustainable matchmaking between SMEs: in emerging economies and the Netherlands

Sustainable Match is an initiative of six complementary Dutch parties (Agri-ProFocus, BBO, MVO Nederland, Oxfam Novib, PeopleConnector, ProPortion) that has been executed between 2012 and 2013 on innovating trade and investment missions in anticipation of the new policy for international cooperation of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (PDF). By means of two pilots in »

March 3, 2015Knowledge Portal
Non-farm entrepreneurship in rural Africa: patterns and determinants

This paper (PDF) published by Dare provides an empirical description of the patterns and determinants of non-farm entrepreneurship in rural Africa, using the World Bank’s unique LSMSISA dataset on six countries: Ethiopia, Niger, Nigeria, Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda. The research finds that non-farm entrepreneurship predominantly creates informal jobs and mostly for family members; that these »

Seas of Change Workshop: Inclusive business for SMEs
February 24, 2015Knowledge activity
Seas of Change Workshop: Inclusive business for SMEs
Theme: Inclusive Business

This workshop on inclusive business for SMEs will be run and funded jointly with the African Agribusiness Academy (AAA) and with the Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) who have marketed it to their members. The workshop (no places available anymore) will be held in 2 blocks. The first block of 2,5 days will take place March »

First AIM article in a series: Scaling up Inclusive Business
December 22, 2014Expert opinion
First AIM article in a series: Scaling up Inclusive Business
Theme: Nutrition Security

Introduction The Amsterdam Initiative against Malnutrition (AIM) brings different stakeholders together to improve food and nutrition security through a broad portfolio of projects. These projects are executed throughout the entire food value chain with a focus on the consumer. Since 2009, AIM has grown to include 30 stakeholder-partners who explore innovative and sustainable solutions to »

Seas of Change and F&BKP start collaboration on Inclusive Business
October 14, 2014News
Seas of Change and F&BKP start collaboration on Inclusive Business
Theme: Inclusive Business

Seas of Change (SoC) and the F&BKP have signed a Letter of Engagement, formalizing the intention to collaborate on the theme ‘Inclusive Business’. The signed Letter of Engagement marks the start of a collaboration in which the F&BKP supports SoC to deepen its work to stimulate the scaling of inclusive agri-food markets. SoC’s goals will »