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Embeddeness in Context: reflecting on the “enabling” environment for youth agripreneurship
May 7, 2019Expert opinion
Embeddeness in Context: reflecting on the “enabling” environment for youth agripreneurship
Theme: Youth in agrofood systems

Entrepreneurship in agriculture is often touted as one of the innovative approaches to addressing poverty and food insecurity in developing and emerging economies. It is also considered a means out of unemployment for the rapidly increasing youth population in many developing economies. The challenge for entrepreneurs in agriculture, or “agripreneurs”, is to innovate and spawn ideas and approaches to spur on agricultural production to meet future demand; this challenge is particularly targeted at unemployed youth, who are expected to rise to the challenge not only of farming, but of being entrepreneurial. »

Building capacities of local researchers in Benin
April 17, 2019Research project
Building capacities of local researchers in Benin

In the context of the Global Challenges Programme (GCP) project “Allotment gardens and food security in urban Africa” a workshop was organized from March 18 to 20, 2019 by the Amsterdam Centre for World Food Studies to train local researchers in Benin on the development of a site selection tool. »

Report on WFE Stakeholder workshop
April 17, 2019Research project
Report on WFE Stakeholder workshop

The two-day Stakeholder Workshop held in Kisumu on February 14 and 15, 2019, provided a platform for project partners, women in entrepreneurship, and other stakeholders to share information on the milestones and lessons learned in the Global Challenges Programme (GCP) project “Women Food Entrepreneurship (WFE)”. »

Midterm meeting and workshop on agroecological transitions GCP project HortEco
April 2, 2019Research project
Midterm meeting and workshop on agroecological transitions GCP project HortEco

From February 24 to 28, 2019, consortium partners of the GCP project “Horticultural food systems in Chile and Uruguay (HortEco)” gathered in Chile for a midterm meeting. The meeting included a public workshop on production, commercialization and Participatory Guarantee Systems in agroecological transitions. »

Improving urban food security : A success story
April 1, 2019Research project
Improving urban food security : A success story

This Story of change has been drafted in the context of the GCP project “Allotment gardens and food security in urban Africa” and outlines how support to urban poor, especially women in developing allotment gardens can provide their households with access to fresh foods. This success story about improving urban food security in Benin was written by members of the project research team,. »

Summary video public seminar “Future food systems for Ghanaian food security”
February 21, 2019Knowledge activity
Summary video public seminar “Future food systems for Ghanaian food security”

On Thursday afternoon January 17, 2019, the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) and NWO-WOTRO Science for Global Development organized the public seminar “Future food systems for Ghanaian food security” in Accra. Please watch the summary video. »