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November 3, 2015Knowledge Portal
Identifying women farmers: Informal gender norms as institutional barriers to recognizing women’s contributions to agriculture

This article elaborates on the challenges of collecting sex-disaggregated data. While sex-disaggregated data collection is seen as an important step toward understanding women’s contributions to agriculture and including a gender perspective in agricultural research or development, social norms both in farming communities and research organizations often limit the amount of data collected from women. This reinforces the notion that women are not farmers or producers. »

September 30, 2015Knowledge Portal
An exploratory study of dairying intensification, women’s decision making, and time use and implications for child nutrition in Kenya

This article elaborates on the implication of dairy intensification strategies and women’s decision-making on child nutrition. Results from the mixed methods study conducted with households representing low, medium and high levels of dairy intensification in rural Kenya indicated that children in high-intensity households received more milk than children in medium-intensity households. »

September 15, 2015Knowledge Portal
Women’s Empowerment in Rwanda: Evaluation of women’s economic leadership through horticulture planting material business

This report by Oxfam, documents the findings of a quasi-experimental evaluation carried out in March 2014 that sought to assess the impact of the activities of the ‘Women’s Economic Leadership through Horticulture Planting-Material Business’ project. This project was implemented in four districts of Rwanda by Oxfam in partnership with Duterimbere, a local organization, between 2011 and 2014. »

August 12, 2015Knowledge Portal
Life stories of African women and young professionals in science

This booklet by the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), takes a look at the life stories of 12 remarkable African agricultural scientists who are making a difference on the continent and internationally. »

July 13, 2015Knowledge Portal
World crop diversity survives in small farms from peri-urban to remote rural locations

This article in ScienceDaily shows that that small farmers, in many cases women, are the ones preserving landraces of food crops. The researchers looked at new census data from 11 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America and combined that data with field observations. »

July 2, 2015Knowledge Portal
How does the fruit and vegetable sector contribute to food and nutrition security?

This explorative study looked at the potential of the fruit & vegetable sector for Food and Nutrition Security (FNS). The methodology consisted of a focused literature review mainly concentrated on the following countries: Ethiopia, Rwanda, Ghana, Uganda, Kenya, Indonesia and Vietnam; and semi-structured interviews amongst different growers, traders and workers in the Ethiopian fruit and vegetable sector. The development of the fruits & vegetables sector in developing countries has a positive impact on the FNS of the people engaged in the sector and for urban and rural consumers. »