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February 12, 2018Knowledge Portal
Protected cultivation of vegetable crops in sub-Saharan Africa: Limits and prospects for smallholders. A review

This article presents an overview of the agronomic, economic, and environmental performances of low-tech protected cultivation techniques (PCT) in sub-Saharan Africa. Technology transfer and the adoption of PCT affordable for smallholders are believed to be able to feed the increasing population and fight malnutrition. »

January 23, 2018Knowledge Portal
The financial feasibility of producing fish and vegetables through aquaponics

This article uses a cost-benefit analysis to assess the financial feasibility of an investment in a small-scale aquaponics system in the province of Negros Oriental, Philippines. Using this case study, in addition to refereed papers and grey literature, generic recommendations for up- and out-scaling of aquaponics are presented.  »

Towards an innovative and inclusive horticulture market in Kenya
July 21, 2017Knowledge activity
Towards an innovative and inclusive horticulture market in Kenya
Theme: Valuable Vegetables

The hortIMPACT program combines Kenyan and Dutch private sector expertise and social impact solutions to build sustainable, inclusive domestic and export horticulture markets in Kenya. This article summarizes the insights and reflections from a visit to one of the hortIMPACT business cases, a farm in Gilgil, Kenya. The farmer grows a variety of green leafy »

June 11, 2017Knowledge Portal
What holds vegetables farmers back? Conflict, governance and markets assessment making vegetable markets work for smallholders program

This report used a political economy analysis to provide a nuanced, contextual understanding of the vegetable market system in Myanmar. Overall, the research finds that vegetable farmers are highly vulnerable to a range of factors that limit their willingness to take on risks. This reduces the scope to innovate and to buy good quality inputs. These risks that farmers face should be reduced, for example by recognizing the constaints that farmers operate under, and condering how to promote sustainable and just contract farming. »

May 30, 2017Knowledge Portal
Container gardens to meet vegetable needs during dry season for reproductive age women and their children in northern Ghana

This article investigates the feasibility of producing widely consumed iron rich vegetables using container gardens during the dry season in Ghana. These container gardens can help to overcome limited irrigation capacity and access to land. »

April 10, 2017Knowledge Portal
Characterization of pre- and postharvest losses of tomato supply chain in Ethiopia

This article presents qualitative and quantitative post-harvest losses of tomato in Ethiopia. Results indicate that tomato production is done by relatively young married individuals with at least primary level education. About three-quarter of land holding is allocated for vegetable production, which largely takes place under irrigation during dry season. »