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September 18, 2018
From corn to popcorn? Urbanization and dietary change: Evidence from rural-urban migrants in Tanzania

This article aims to study whether and how urbanization impacts dietary change. The study shows that moving to an urban area does not effect the intake of fats, animal-source foods, and dietary diversity. But diets shift away from the consumption of traditional staples, towards high-sugar, prepared foods. »

September 6, 2018Knowledge Portal
Urban food systems governance and poverty in African cities

This book aims to improve our understanding of the connections between urban poverty, food systems, household food security and governance, by focusing on three cities in sub-Saharan Africa. The book argues that an examination of the food system and food security provides a valuable lens to interrogate urban poverty. »

August 29, 2018Knowledge Portal
Urban food security in the context of inequality and dietary change: A study of school children in Accra

This study explores food security in the context of inequality and dietary change in schoolchildren in Accra.It shows that socio-economic status is a critical dimension of food security and consumption. Urban food security is defined by two phenomena: intra-urban inequality and global dietary change. »

June 28, 2018Knowledge Portal
Measuring impact

This magazine explores how various assessments and indicator frameworks to help cities map the current status and performance of their city region food system, have concretely supported planning and policy, and have enabled cities to measure and monitor changes in relation to food strategies and action plans. »

May 14, 2018Knowledge Portal
Opportunities of urban horticulture for poverty alleviation in Dar es Salaam city, Tanzania

This study was conducted to explore to opportunities of the urban agriculture focusing on vegetables and ornamental flowers production towards poverty reduction and alleviation in Dar es Salaam. Urban agriculture reveals to play a significant role towards reducing and alleviating the poverty. »

April 7, 2018Knowledge Portal
The growth of food banking in cities of the Global South

This discussion paper examines the globalization of food banking and its growth in the Global South. Through a case study of FoodForward South-Africa, it critically analyzes the roles that urban food banks play in cities of the Global South.  »