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Pre-announcement third call GCP
February 25, 2015News
Pre-announcement third call GCP

The Food & Business Knowledge Platform and NWO-WOTRO are pleased to announce that the third call for the Food & Business Global Challenges Programme (GCP) will be launched soon! This call invites consortia of Dutch and Low- and Middle-Income Country (LMIC) research institutes,  and another LMIC-based partner to submit proposals for research and innovation on ‘Sustainable »

Sustainable agriculture: lively multi stakeholder debate facilitated by Agri-ProFocus
September 23, 2014News
Sustainable agriculture: lively multi stakeholder debate facilitated by Agri-ProFocus

On September 12, 2014, Agri-ProFocus organized an expert meeting about the different approaches to promote sustainable agriculture (e.g. agro-ecology, climate-smart agriculture, the landscape approach, etc). This in order to inform the upcoming food and nutrition security policy note of Minister Ploumen and Secretary of State Dijksma, and the own practice of different stakeholders. Agri-ProFocus had »

Report of 2014 Dick de Zeeuw lecture by Gerda Verburg
September 9, 2014News
Report of 2014 Dick de Zeeuw lecture by Gerda Verburg

Inclusiveness, knowledge and evidence, and responsibility are the pillars to support us in moving beyond short-term interests and towards sustainable solutions in agriculture and food security. This was the main message of the Dick de Zeeuw lecture ‘Paradigm shift to secure food’. The speech was given on September 4, 2014, by Gerda Verburg (fomer Dutch Minister »

PPPs: listen to the farmers
March 25, 2014Expert opinion
PPPs: listen to the farmers
Theme: Partnerships

Assuming a joint approach would unleash agricultural potential and strengthen the market, Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) have dominated global food security strategies. The debate highlights several strategies, for example, focusing on the local effects of knowledge-sharing through PPP networks, advocating linkages between sectors, or optimizing trade in a corridor approach. Within these approaches there is »