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smallholder farmers

April 11, 2017Knowledge Portal
Assessing use of the Mazzican to transport and improve milk quality in Tanzania

This report presents results of field testing a new and affordable food grade plastic container (the “Mazzican“) to assess acceptability and validate its efficacy to improve the bacteriological quality of milk when it is used for handling and transportation of raw milk by agro-pastoralists and smallholder farmers. »

April 5, 2017Knowledge Portal
Adaptation processes in agriculture and food security: Insights from evaluating behavioral changes in West Africa

This chapter in the book “Evaluating Climate Change Action for Sustainable Development” focuses on the evaluation of adaptive capacities of community-level human systems related to agriculture and food security. It highlights findings regarding approaches and domains to monitor and evaluate behavioral changes from CGIAR’s research program on climate change, agriculture and food security (CCAFS). »

April 5, 2017Knowledge Portal
Smallholder farmers’ adaptation to climate change and determinants of their adaptation decisions in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia

This article discusses how smallholder farmers perceive climate change, what adaptation strategies they practice, and factors that influence their adaptation decisions. Both primary and secondary data were used for the study, and a multinomial logit model was employed to identify the factors that shape smallholder farmers’ adaptation strategies. »

April 3, 2017Knowledge Portal
Satellite-based assessment of yield variation and its determinants in smallholder African systems

This article demonstrates the potential to track smallholder maize yield variation in western Kenya, using a combination of 1-m imagery and intensive field sampling on thousands of fields over 2 years. The emergence of satellite sensors that can routinely observe millions of individual smallholder farms raises possibilities for monitoring and understanding agricultural productivity in many regions of the world. »

April 1, 2017Knowledge Portal
Dairy production systems and the adoption of genetic and breeding technologies in Tanzania, Kenya, India and Nicaragua

This paper in the Animal Genetic Resources Journal, characterizes dairy production systems in India, Tanzania, Kenya and Nicaragua, and describes the genetic and breeding technologies that hold promise for the advancement of global development goals. In all the countries, enhanced and adequately planned use of breeding and reproductive technologies, complemented with the relevant infrastructure, is needed to sustainably increase dairy productivity. »

March 30, 2017Knowledge Portal
Small-scale soya farming can outperform large-scale agricultural investments

This briefing by the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) highlights how small- and mediumscale farm models can outperform large-scale operations in terms of monetary return, food security, employment generation, local prosperity and avoiding land conflicts. With the right support, poorer households can develop market-oriented farming that contributes to local value chains at many levels. »