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April 4, 2018Knowledge Portal
How to do note: Design of gender transformative smallholder agriculture adaptation programmes

This note provides guidance on how to design smallholder agriculture adaptation programmes that consider the differential impacts of climate change on women, men and youth smallholder farmers. »

Agribusiness-based Advisory Services (ABAS) project, update 02
March 28, 2018Knowledge activity
Agribusiness-based Advisory Services (ABAS) project, update 02
Theme: Inclusive Business

In September 2017, the main key questions resulting in an analytical framework were formulated for the collaborative learning trajectory “Agribusiness-based Advisory Services”. In the second phase, the team selected 29 cases for the eplorative study and discussed the draft findings with core group partners on March 15, 2018. »

March 21, 2018Knowledge Portal
Developing nutrition-sensitive value chains in Indonesia

This report summarizes a number of studies to determine how to design nutrition-sensitive value chains for smallholders in Indonesia. The researchers suggest that strengthened value chains for foods could make business sense for smallholders and lay the foundations for a strong local food system that sustainably delivers nutritious foods for healthy diets. »

Booklet and documentary on cassava applied research in Northern Uganda
March 8, 2018Research project
Booklet and documentary on cassava applied research in Northern Uganda

Oxfam Uganda, one of the consortium partners of the ARF project “Cassava Applied Research for Food Security in Northern Uganda” developed a booklet “Tubers for business” and a documentary “Cassava value chain”. »

February 26, 2018Knowledge Portal
The impact of national seed laws on the functioning of small-scale seed systems

This case study assesses national seed laws in eight countries to inform recommendations to ensure laws better support the functioning of farmers’ seed systems. Seed laws typically pay little attention to farmers’ seed systems, but it can impact on the functioning of those systems in various ways »

February 20, 2018Knowledge Portal
Unlocking smallholder credit: Does credit-linked agricultural insurance work?

This paper reviews possibilities for, and experience with, credit-linked crop insurance, including different types of insurance and credit arrangements. The paper describes the main methods of linkage that are being tested or proposed, identifies the critical features of each method, and discusses the advantages and limitations for the three parties – farmers, financial service providers, and insurers. »