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smallholder farmers

June 13, 2018Knowledge Portal
The role of crop diversification in improving household food security in central Malawi

This paper investigates the influence of crop diversification and other household socioeconomic characteristics on improving household food security in central Malawi. Results show that higher crop diversification intensities are more likely to have a diverse diet. »

May 18, 2018Knowledge Portal
Agricultural production amid conflict: Separating the effects of conflict into shocks and uncertainty

This paper examines the effect of conflict on agricultural production of small farmers and whether households respond differently to conflict shocks and uncertainty brought about the presence of non-state armed actors. Shocks may arise when either government or non-state armed actor is hegemonic in the region »

May 7, 2018Knowledge Portal
Getting smarter on subsidy: The role of grant funding in smallholder finance

This briefing aims to bring clarity to the area of grant funding by donors to accelerate the growth of an inclusive smallholder finance market. In smallholder finance, subsidy plays a crucial role in accelerating the development of an inclusive market. »

April 23, 2018Knowledge Portal
The power to exercise choice: Implementing farmers’ rights to eradicate poverty and adapt to climate change

This report describes the main tools and achievements to realize farmers’ rights by empowering indigenous peoples and smallholder farmers to uphold their role in contributing to food security and strengthening their adaptive capacities. The key tool to realize farmers’ rights are farmer field schools. »

April 17, 2018Knowledge Portal
Examples of research for development approaches to benefit the livestock sector in LMICs – ILRI’s approach

This report provides examples of how ILRI and its many partners are helping to meet specific SDGs. Targeted investment in sustainable livestock research for development can provide much more food to nourish the world’s rapidly growing population. »

April 12, 2018Knowledge Portal
How can we measure the health of soil simply and cheaply?

This blog describes two mechanisms to adapt soil health indicator technologies in a simple way and at lower cost, so that they can be applied by smallholder farmers themselves to evaluate the effect of different varieties of tropical forages and their management on the health of their own farm. »