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January 9, 2018Knowledge Portal
From aid to trade: Enhancing effective & proactive partnerships in food value chain

This output report documents the Food Security Partners’ Day themed “From Aid to Trade: Enhancing Effective and Proactive Partnerships in Food Production Value Chain”, which was organized on 24th October 2017 by the Embassy of the Kingdom of The Netherlands in Nairobi. The topics covered were inclusivity and scalability. »

May 3, 2017Knowledge Portal
Integrating a gender perspective to help scale Africa RISING technologies and practices: Requirements for proposal development and implementation

This short guide helps Africa RISING researchers to properly address gender issues in their proposals and interventions. Gender equality is central to the process of scaling technologies and practices in a sustainable manner. Failing to take into account gender differences can limit the reach and scale of Africa RISING technologies. This tool describes how gender issues should be addressed in each step of the intervention designing process. »

April 13, 2017Knowledge Portal
Improving nutrition through biofortification: A review of evidence from HarvestPlus

This review article summarizes key evidence from the HarvestPlus program on how biofortification has helped improve nutrition worldwide between 2003 and 2016. Delivery experiences in various target countries (Bangladesh, DR Congo, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Rwanda, Uganda, and Zambia) are discusses, as well as farmer and consumer adoption. According to the authors, attention should now shift to an action-oriented agenda for scaling biofortification to improve nutrition globally. »

April 10, 2017Knowledge Portal
Prioritising climate-smart agricultural interventions: The financial aspects

This special of Agricultural Systems focuses on prioritising climate-smart agricultural (CSA) interventions at different scales. Currently, there are few tools that can comprehensively evaluate the range of potential technologies and practices and their possible impacts on food production, environmental sustainability, and mitigation in any context. This special issue brings together nine papers describing a wide range of approaches and tools, of which some focus on the financial considerations for prioritization. »

March 20, 2017Knowledge Portal
Prioritising climate-smart agricultural interventions at different scales

This special of Agricultural Systems focuses on prioritising climate-smart agricultural (CSA) interventions at different scales. Currently, there are few tools that can comprehensively evaluate the range of potential technologies and practices and their possible impacts on food production, environmental sustainability, and mitigation in any context. Therefore, what remains is the prioritization of interventions for investment and broad dissemination. This special issue brings together nine papers describing a wide range of approaches and tools. »

February 22, 2017Knowledge Portal
Social network analysis of multi-stakeholder platforms in agricultural research for development: Opportunities and constraints for innovation and scaling

This article in PLOS ONE, analyses the role of multi-stakeholder platforms (MSPs) for agricultural innovation and scaling. Multi-stakeholder platforms (MSPs) are seen as a promising vehicle to achieve agricultural development impacts. By increasing collaboration, exchange of knowledge and influence mediation among farmers, researchers and other stakeholders, MSPs supposedly enhance their ‘capacity to innovate’ and contribute to the ‘scaling of innovations’. »