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rural transformation

February 15, 2018Knowledge Portal
Poverty reduction during the rural–urban transformation

This article in the Journal of Policy Modeling, focuses on poverty reduction during the rural–urban transformation and argues that rural development is still more important than urbanisation. Given that a rapid population growth or rural–urban migration is likely to increase poverty, more emphasis should be placed on policies that enhance support for rural agricultural and non-agricultural sectors, according to the authors. »

October 30, 2017Knowledge Portal
Rural transformation, cereals and youth in Africa: What role for international agricultural research?

This article examines the argument that the combination of agricultural value chains, technology and entrepreneurship will unlock a sweet spot for youth employment in Africa. This is done from a rural transformations perspective. »

February 15, 2017Knowledge Portal
Inclusive finance and inclusive rural transformation

This paper in the IFAD Research Series provides an overview of concepts, issues and research on the relationship between financial inclusion and inclusive rural transformation. Liberalization of financial markets may not have had the desired spillover effects into rural credit, stressing the need for public intervention. Evidence shows that agricultural credit provides positive returns. »