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February 21, 2020Knowledge Portal
Stunting, undernutrition and obesity: the triple threat of childhood malnutrition

This collection pulls together publications highlighting research into the mediating factors for, and potential solutions to, childhood undernutrition and obesity. Good news is that many forms of undernutrition resolve as nations pass through the demographic and wealth transition. The bad news is that in almost all such circumstances the pendulum swings too far and the population races towards an obesity epidemic. »

January 13, 2020Knowledge Portal
Indonesia’s triple burden of malnutrition

This study aimed to better understand the triple burden of malnutrition, diets, and the drivers of food choices in East Java, Indonesia. The ‘triple burden of malnutrition’ is particularly stark in Indonesia, where there are both high rates of both childhood chronic undernutrition and overweight. »

December 17, 2019Knowledge Portal
The double burden of malnutrition

This four paper series explores how the coexistence of over nutrition (overweight and obesity) and undernutrition (stunting and wasting) is affecting low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). Malnutrition in its many forms has previously been understood and approached as a separate public health issue, but the new emergent reality is that undernutrition and overnutrition are interconnected. In addition to policy recommendations, the series includes a focus on both historical and biological contexts, and new economic analysis. »

August 8, 2019Knowledge Portal
Mapping obesogenic food environments in South Africa and Ghana: Correlations and contradictions

This paper explores correlations and linkages between neighbourhood food environments and household food environments, with particular emphasis on the risk they pose for obesity. The results reveal that household food environments promoting obesity appear correlated with neighbourhood food environments, which make obesogenic foods accessible and available. They also suggest that poverty is a powerful determinant not only of household consumption and purchasing but also of local food environments. »

July 17, 2019Knowledge Portal
Food systems for healthy diets: Policy guidance note

This new guidance note presents how a food systems approach can guide the delivery of healthy diets and the steps to take to identify policy options and drive policy change, and subsequently address all forms of malnutrition. It is important to take a food systems approach comprising four functions – food production; food handling, storage and processing; food trade and marketing; and consumer demand, food preparation and preferences, and to coordinate interventions across these functions. »

February 1, 2019Knowledge Portal
Double burden of malnutrition

This magazine focuses on the double burden of malnutrition, and the challenges and opportunities the global community now faces in addressing all forms of malnutrition. Although the double burden remains a largely untapped area for integrated action, there are opportunities to act. »