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nutrition security

January 7, 2019Knowledge Portal
From agriculture to nutrition

This brief aims to present lessons learned to date in the implementation of nutrition-sensitive agriculture activities and their impact on dietary diversity in the target communities. The lessons of the programme complement and reiterate the evidence to date in NSA. Agriculture diversity alone will have limited impact on women and infant’s dietary diversity and consideration must be given to income generating activities, market access, intra-household dynamics and social and behaviour change communication strategies »

January 3, 2019Knowledge Portal
Income growth and climate change effects on global nutrition security to mid-century

This article explores future macronutrient and micronutrient adequacy with combined biophysical and socio-economic scenarios that are country-specific, projecting to the year 2050. In all projected scenarios for 2050, the average benefits of widely shared economic growth, if achieved, are much greater than the modelled negative effects of climate change. »

January 2, 2019Knowledge Portal
Agriculture & food systems to 2050: Global trends, challenges and opportunities

This book features a comprehensive foresight assessment, exploring the pressures, threats as well as opportunities, on the global agriculture and food systems between now and 2050. Food systems thinking can help identify synergies and trade-offs between the SDGs, and indicate leverage points for policies and interventions. »

December 17, 2018Knowledge Portal
Impact of anthropogenic CO2 emissions on global human nutrition

This article analysed the impact of elevated CO2 concentrations on the sufficiency of dietary intake of iron, zinc and protein for the populations of 151 countries. Atmospheric CO2 is on pace to surpass 550 ppm in the next 30–80 years. Many food crops grown under 550 ppm have protein, iron and zinc contents that are reduced by 3–17% compared with current conditions. »

December 4, 2018Knowledge Portal
Intra-household dynamics and dietary diversity

This technical paper summarises key findings and lessons learnt from applying an intra-household dynamics lens to nutrition. The results highlight the importance of longer-time frame and value of targeting different household members to change deeply entrenched norms which impact women’s decision making around what food is prepared. »

December 3, 2018Knowledge Portal
An egg for everyone: Pathways to universal access to one of nature’s most nutritious foods

This article collates country‐level data on egg production, availability, consumption, prices, industry structure, and contextual trends and use these to estimate current patterns and likely future outcomes under four alternative scenarios. The accelerated spread of large-scale intensive production is needed to meet the needs or urban populations. »