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nutrition security

June 20, 2016Knowledge Portal
The global nutrition report: From promise to impact

This report is the only independent and comprehensive annual review of the state of the world’s nutrition. This year’s edition has a strong focus on political commitment to nutrition and provides guidelines for what is necessary to end malnutrition by 2030. Findings reveal a global lack of progress against malnutrition – which now afflicts one in three people worldwide. Beyond health burdens, the report offers new data on the cost of malnutrition to societies and individuals. »

June 13, 2016Knowledge Portal
Leveraging agriculture for nutrition in South Asia and East Africa: Examining the enabling environment through stakeholder perceptions

This article investigates the link between agriculture and nutrition in South Asia and East Africa and how better enabling environments can be created. South Asia and East Africa have the highest concentration of undernutrition and the majority of the nutritionally vulnerable populations here is dependent upon agriculture as a primary source of livelihood. The agriculture sector and agri-food system are considered to be central to sustained progress in reducing undernutrition. »

Integrated approaches to food and nutrition security
June 9, 2016Study
Integrated approaches to food and nutrition security

The Broker, commissioned by F&BKP, conducted a study on integrated food security interventions consisting of a systematic mapping of integrated projects. The objective of this paper was to identify the practical implications of adopting integrated approaches to food and nutrition security through literature review, survey questionnaire, and expert interviews. »

May 31, 2016Knowledge Portal
Contribution of forest foods to dietary intake and their association with household food insecurity: A cross-sectional study in women from rural Cameroon

This article indicates that forest foods can contribute significantly to achieving nutrition and food security in the forest-dependent communities. Despite the under-utilization and neglect of forest foods, studies indicate that these foods can enrich household diets, providing essential nutrients and bioactive compounds that can prevent undernutrition and coronary diseases, and provide sources of income for millions of people »

May 26, 2016Knowledge Portal
Nutrition-sensitive agriculture

This issue of Rural21 shows how closely agriculture, nutrition and health are linked and takes a look at the various entry-points for improving nutrition through agriculture: from the choice of adequate seed systems and breeding programmes through agricultural policy interventions to promoting market access, production diversification and better functioning value chains to capacity building, nutrition education and gender equality. The issue also contains an article on the SUN movement and the importance of pulses. »

May 23, 2016Knowledge Portal
Impact of nutritional perceptions of traditional African vegetables on farm household production decisions

This paper in the Experimental Agriculture Journal investigates the determinants and pathways for smallholder participation in traditional African vegetable production and identifies entry points for farmers to increase traditional vegetable production by linking nutritional awareness and promotion with potential high value markets. The results of this study provide evidence that farmers tend to grow more African traditional vegetables as compared to other crops based on their increased level of perception towards nutritional value of traditional vegetables along with other factors such as their market value, timely availability of quality certified seeds, willingness to invest in labour, required training for women and better access to credits. »