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nutrition security

July 5, 2017Knowledge Portal
Climate change and variability: What are the risks for nutrition, diets, and food systems?

This discussion paper uses a food systems approach to analyze the bidirectional relationships between climate change and food and nutrition along the entire food value chain. The relationship between climate and nutrition is complex. »

July 4, 2017Knowledge Portal
Improving nutrition through enhanced food environments

This policy brief calls for a transformation of the food environment that promotes greater diversity, availability and safety of nutritious foods. The brief considers current evidence on what works, and provides recommendations for action that affect supply dynamics of the food system. »

June 21, 2017Knowledge Portal
Livestock and household nutrition

This learning series tackles a broad set of issues affecting the design, implementation and monitoring of livestock development interventions intended to improve impact on household nutrition. With several webinars and presentation the series provides insights and lessons learned from several programmes. »

June 13, 2017Knowledge Portal
Coverage and utilization in food fortification programs: critical and neglected areas of evaluation

This article highlight some of the strengths and areas for improvement of current population-based (i.e., staple foods and condiments) and targeted (e.g., foods for infants and young children) fortification programs. The results identify a few striking successful fortification programs whereby the majority of the food vehicle used is fortifiable and fortified, and coverage is equitable. »

June 12, 2017Knowledge Portal
What drives diversification of national food supplies?

This article sets out to systematically explore what drives the diversification of food supplies (DFS) across countries and regions, and over the course of economic development. A cross-country dataset was constructed and analyzed linking a simple DFS indicator, the share of calories supplied by nonstaple foods, with structural transformation and agroecological indicators. »

June 7, 2017Knowledge Portal
Stories of change in nutrition

This special issue analyzes drivers of change in six high-burden countries (Bangladesh, India, Ethiopia, Nepal, Senegal, and Zambia) which had some success in accelerating improvements in nutrition. »